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Tema: Should the pope visit england?

  1. #1
    Avatar de Milesian
    Milesian está desconectado Miembro graduado
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    Exclamation Should the pope visit england?

    In my personal opinion he should NOT pay them a visit. That would send a strong message to these modern day Cromwell's

    May 5, 2010

    Catholic League president Bill Donohue questions whether the pope should visit England this fall:

    There are many ominous signs surrounding the visit by Pope Benedict XVI to England in September. First, there are now over 100,000 Brits who have signed "certificates of de-baptism" renouncing their former Christian status. Second, there are hate-ridden atheists like Richard Dawkins who are paying anti-Catholic lawyers to investigate the possibility of arresting the pope for "crimes against humanity." Third, Catholic bashing by the British media is flourishing. Fourth, freedom of speech and freedom of religion are in a very tenuous state for Christians.

    Regarding the latter, just this week a Christian street preacher was arrested in Britain for the crime of spreading the Gospel. To be specific, a 42-year-old Baptist male was arrested by a policewoman when she heard him declare as sinful such matters as blasphemy, drunkenness and gay relations. It was his comment that homosexuality is a sin that got him into hot water—he was thrown in the slammer for breaking a 1986 law that penalizes "abusive" speech. Not only that, he was fingerprinted, given a DNA swab and retina scan (perhaps they think he has a twin). Now this modern-day revolutionary must stand trial. Had he been a young Muslim calling for jihad, or an ordinary Brit ripping on Catholics, he'd have been tolerated, if not cheered. And this is no exaggeration.

    There are times when dialogue is a mistake. This is one of them.
    Catholic League: For Religious and Civil Rights

  2. #2
    Avatar de lusosaylor
    lusosaylor está desconectado Miembro novel
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    15 may, 10
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    Respuesta: Should the pope visit england?

    Cita Iniciado por Milesian Ver mensaje
    In my personal opinion he should NOT pay them a visit. That would send a strong message to these modern day Cromwell's

    Catholic League: For Religious and Civil Rights
    Pienso que la visita de Bento XVI a Inglaterra traerá mucha energia positiva, debate y sentir europeo entre ellos. deseo de corazon que se dejen llevar por la trancendentalidad del momento aconpañada de la razon.

    a nosotros los Lusitanos nos ha revigorado mucho en estos momentos depresivos que vivimos todos, las palabras, miradas esperanzosas y silencios sullos haciendonos sentir que el futuro esta tambien en nuestras manos.

    La Alianza Anglo-Portuguesa trajo muchas glórias y celebraciones al occidente lusitano y a los 5 continentes que compartimos en sintonía y alegría; ayudandonos ellos, a llevar el conocimiento y costumbres de nuestros padres Astures y Leoneses junto a las leyes d convivéncia cristiana...

    sus palabras son universales y se dirijen a monoteístas y atéos... gracias Ratzinger por havernos unido a todos en estos 4 dias que te tuvimos en Ibéria...

    Disfrutazlo con ganas, Ingleses!! que os prometo que vale la pena!

    Última edición por Donoso; 16/05/2010 a las 12:24

  3. #3
    Avatar de lusosaylor
    lusosaylor está desconectado Miembro novel
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    15 may, 10
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    Respuesta: Should the pope visit england?

  4. #4
    Avatar de Hyeronimus
    Hyeronimus está desconectado Miembro Respetado
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    16 ene, 07
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    Respuesta: Should the pope visit england?

    Seja bem-vindo, Lusosaylor. Este subforo é em inglês, para as pessoas de lingua inglesa que que quiserem ler ou participar no foro.

    Eu não sei com certeza se o Papa deve ir lá. Os católicos ingleses vão agradecer, e além disso ele vai ter uma boa influência, mas acho que também poderia ser perigoso.

    ¿Alianza anglo-portuguesa? Não sabia disso. Pode explicar mais? Obrigado.

  5. #5
    Avatar de Hyeronimus
    Hyeronimus está desconectado Miembro Respetado
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    16 ene, 07
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    Respuesta: Should the pope visit england?

    Libros antiguos y de colección en IberLibro
    I agree that Bnedict XVI would have a very positive influence and might even be a boost to Catholicism in Britain. Catholics have been oppressed and persecuted for centuries, and only since the 19th century have they been regaining liberties and growing in number. I have to correct or qualify what I just said to Lusosaylor. True, the situation might not be very Catholic-friendly there right now, but I doubt they try to arrest the Pope. They got away with arresting Pinochet in spite of his being a Chilean senator, but he was no longer a head of state. However, Benedict XVI is a head of state and has the support of millions of Catholics worldwide. They may be British, but they are not Napoleon.

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