Multiculturalists are the new Nazis
There is a growing realisation amongst politically astute political observers that modern Multiculturalists are the new Nazis.
They seek the genocide of White peoples worldwide.
They create a public atmosphere of fear; where those who are not politically correct, who are not multiculturalists or multiracialists, become fearful for their jobs, their future, if they speak out on patriotic issues.
They create Nazi laws, whereby it becomes illegal to speak your opinion in public (on a range of issues that the new Nazis deem to be "not acceptable").
It must truly be realised that the Multiculturalists are the new Nazis.
Nationalists need to recognise the authoritarian nature of the multiculturalists/multiracialists.
These people will do anything to ensure that their traitorous philosophy retains its current place as the dominant ideology; in their case, dominant within the Establishment: with politicians, academia, and media - not with the people.
Events in recent years show that Multiculturalists are more than happy to harass political opponents; in fact, it is almost an unwritten policy with them:
1) Pauline Hanson, in Australia, was charged and jailed upon an alleged technical breach of electoral law, whilst various mainstream politicians slip up on technicalities (even not so technical ones, such as travel rorts or the misuse of government credit cards) and get away with it.
2) In 2005, in Belgium, the courts banned the Nationalist party Vlaams Blok as they "legally" deemed it to be a criminal organisation, as it was a "racist" party. Vlaams Blok argued it wasn't, but got banned anyway. And what happened to free speech?
Vlaams Blok had previously got 24.1% of the vote in Flanders, where 60% of the Belgian population lives.
This is the Establishment's way of trying to remove a political threat by "legal" means.
3) On 14 December 2004, several BNP leaders were arrested, and their computers seized, by the English police, in yet another display of "legal" strong-arm methods.
BNP Boss Remains Defiant After Arrest | Home | Sky News
4) In previous years, Australian Nationalists were continually harassed by the political police, by ASIO and Special Branch. Similar patterns and techniques have been carried out against Nationalists in other countries.
These are just a few examples of cosmopolitan fascism. The Multiculturalists are the very type of Nazis that they have warned us about for years.
We must fight these cosmopolitan fascists, and we must win!
Long live Nationalist Democracy!
Down with Multiculturalist Nazism!