Iniciado por
Martin Ant
Annuit. There is no problem for a catholic making a constructive critique against certain objectively bad words or acts done by Pope (See what said S. Paul in his Galatian´s Letter when he faced against the first Pope S. Peter because a reprehensible act he made). This constructive critique has been made always in the Church, and there has been no problem about that.
But the problem in the last 50 years -the problem which originated with the Second Vatican Council- and the problem with the last Popes (John XXIII, Paul VI, John Paul I, John Paul II, Benedict XVI and Francis), is that their words and their acts certainly are not hereticals, but they are something worse: they are ambiguous, so that their words-acts can be alternatively be interpreted in a catholic way or in an uncatholic way. In this sense, Alexander VI was very, very better than these last Popes because, although he deserves be critiziced due to his reprehensible private life, his public words and acts in the defense of Faith were explicitly unequivocal (which is, in fact, the magisterial-teaching function of the Pope: confirming the catholics in the true Faith) and he was well too in his protection of the Church against the enemy´s attacks.
We must pray for the current Pope in order he do soon the unique solution of the present problem of public confusion in the Church: restoring the traditional Holy Sacrifice (the Mass) and the traditional catholic doctrine (he has the power, as Pope, to abrogate in any time the ambiguous Novus Ordo (the New Mass of 1969) and the 16 documents of the Second Vatican Council and its bad ambiguous doctrine).