Respuesta: Latin Mass in the USA
Video clips for the formation of priests and seminarians on the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite.
Respuesta: Latin Mass in the USA
Bishop Rifan in New York City
May 10th, 2009
On Friday, June 19th, 2009, at 7:00 p.m. on the Feast of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, Bishop Fernândo Rifan, of the diocese of Campos in Brazil, will celebrate a traditional Pontifical Solemn Mass at the Throne at the Church of St. Jean Baptiste (East 76th and Lexington Avenue).
There will also be a conference on devotion to the Sacred Heart and a dinner in honor of Bishop Rifan on Saturday, June 20th, 2009. For more
information about this Mass and other events related to it, go to
Respuesta: Latin Mass in the USA
Me pregunto cuantos gringos e hispanoamericanos pensarían que lo de "Latin Mass" se refiere a que va acompañada de música de salsa o merengue...
Respuesta: Latin Mass in the USA
Iniciado por
Josean Figueroa
Me pregunto cuantos gringos e hispanoamericanos pensarían que lo de "Latin Mass" se refiere a que va acompañada de música de salsa o merengue...
Respuesta: Latin Mass in the USA
Si Julio Cesar levantase la cabeza.
If Julius Caesar would be alive.
Respuesta: Latin Mass in the USA
Iniciado por
Si Julio Cesar levantase la cabeza.
...y Ovidio.
If Julius Caesar would be alive.
En anglónico tal construcción sería extraña: Habría que decir "were" por "would be".
Respuesta: Latin Mass in the USA
This is the English forum, so please keep conversations in English. Otherwise this forum is useless.
Respuesta: Latin Mass in the USA
Iniciado por
Josean Figueroa
...y Ovidio.
En anglónico tal construcción sería extraña: Habría que decir "were" por "would be".
thank you, my english is very bad
Respuesta: Latin Mass in the USA
Solemn Pontifical Requiem Mass on All Souls Day in NYC
October 20th, 2009
For All Souls Day, November 2nd, at 6:30 p.m. there will be a Solemn Pontifical Requiem Mass at the Church of the Holy Innocents in Manhattan (37th St. and Broadway). His Excellency, James C. Timlin, Bishop Emeritus of Scranton, PA will celebrate the Mass from the Faldstool. The Rite of Absolution with catafalque will follow the Mass. The music will include Gregorian chant and Tomas Luis de Victoria’s Requiem Mass setting.
Respuesta: Latin Mass in the USA
Here in North Texas (Dallas area) the Mass is celebrated in Latin at Mater Dei : Mater Dei Latin Mass Community - Home Page
as well as at St William's parish in the distant town Greenville.
Respuesta: Latin Mass in the USA
Thank you for the information. You're very welcome here, wouldn't you care to post something about you in the presentation's thread? It would be nice to know a little about you and welcome you properly...
Aren't you, by chance, brasileiro? If that's the case you can participate in portuguese in every forum of hispanic writing! If you're not, there's always this forum for the english speaking people.
Respuesta: Latin Mass in the USA
Obrigado Irmão! Estou muito feliz de ter encontrado este otimo forum tradicionalista y contrarevolucionario. Sou Brasileiro nacido em Belo Horizonte MG mais moro aqui no sudoeste dos EUA por 16 anos. Participarei em todos os forums de lingua hispanica e tambem o de ingles.
Where exactly is the personal presentation thread?
Uma feliz e abençoada epoca de Natal e um prospero Ano Novo!
Respuesta: Latin Mass in the USA
Olá, mineiro!!! Sou português e é uma honra recebê-lo aqui. :)
The presentation thread is right here: Presentaciones
There you can write in portuguese or castillian. See you soon!
Respuesta: Latin Mass in the USA