Secuestrados, torturados y muertos los hijos de dos misioneros cristianos
Pakistan: Secuestrados, torturados y muertos los hijos de dos misioneros cristianos
Posted by AMDG on October 12th, 2006
Secuestrados con su padres diez días. Les exigieron que se hicieran musulmanes, pero se negaron. Mataron al chico; después violaron a la chica, le coratron un pecho delante de sus padres…“Shalom and Sharon were kidnapped along with their missionary parents and two other younger sisters 10 days before the murder. The militants asked them to convert to Islam but they refused,” said the press release.
“So the militants killed Shalom first. Then they raped the girl and cut one of her breasts in front of her parents. She too died”, the press release quoted another underground missionary, Habel who it said broke the news to Any Cost Jesus Mission from a hidden place.
“Police and the military forces are backing the militants. Habel and his family was also attacked and their house was burnt but the Lord enabled them to escape to a hidden place. They (militants) also demolished a church and some houses were set on fire too”, the evangelization ministry claimed in the press release. […]
Militants kill two children of a missionary couple in Pakistan
Re: Secuestrados, torturados y muertos los hijos de dos misioneros cristianos
Espero que esten en el cielo por morir en nombre del señor y no traicionarlo. Y ojalá les den su merecido a estos hijos de ... radicales, aunque en un país como Pakistán lo veo difícil.