Obama: ‘Catalonia Must Be Free’
U.S. president Barack Obama endorsed independence for Catalonia today, saying the time had come for the long-suffering Spanish region to jettison the 'authoritarian' yoke of Madrid. In a surprise speech to the UN General Assembly the recently reelected Obama called for an immediate referendum on Catalonia's fate, with hopes of ending the 900-year 'Castilian occupation' of the prosperous northern region:
"For too long Spain has forced Catalonia to accept state-of-the-art high speed rail lines, world-class public services, and incomes twice as high as the global average."
"Madrid cruelly inflicted the Olympic games on Catalonia in 1992. And in 2009 it heartlessly built a brand new international airport terminal on their territory."
"The United States can no longer sit idly by as this velvet oppression continues. We stand with the Catalan people against their Spanish oppressors."
Homage to Egomania
Obama explained to the assembled dignitaries that the situation in Catalonia should be the world's top priority at this moment:
"We cannot afford to be distracted by events in Syria, Congo, Somalia or Afghanistan. The world's attention must be squarely focused on the anguish in the streets of Barcelona."
"Let's not think about the child soldiers in Africa, the starving mothers in India, or the millions of political prisoners in North Korea."
"Let us think of the poor Catalan millionaire, being forced to spend .004% of his income so that a Galician child can eat."
Obama then ended his speech with a rousing call to action spoken in flawless Catalan:
"Catalunya ha d'estar lliure"
Obama: ‘Catalonia Must Be Free’ - The Daily Currant
Última edición por Valmadian; 02/12/2014 a las 16:37
"He ahí la tragedia. Europa hechura de Cristo, está desenfocada con relación a Cristo. Su problema es específicamente teológico, por más que queramos disimularlo. La llamada interna y milenaria del alma europea choca con una realidad artificial anticristiana. El europeo se siente a disgusto, se siente angustiado. Adivina y presiente en esa angustia el problema del ser o no ser.
<<He ahí la tragedia. España hechura de Cristo, está desenfocada con relación a Cristo. Su problema es específicamente teológico, por más que queramos disimularlo. La llamada interna y milenaria del alma española choca con una realidad artificial anticristiana. El español se siente a disgusto, se siente angustiado. Adivina y presiente en esa angustia el problema del ser o no ser.>>
Hemos superado el racionalismo, frío y estéril, por el tormentoso irracionalismo y han caído por tierra los tres grandes dogmas de un insobornable europeísmo: las eternas verdades del cristianismo, los valores morales del humanismo y la potencialidad histórica de la cultura europea, es decir, de la cultura, pues hoy por hoy no existe más cultura que la nuestra.
Ante tamaña destrucción quedan libres las fuerzas irracionales del instinto y del bruto deseo. El terreno está preparado para que germinen los misticismos comunitarios, los colectivismos de cualquier signo, irrefrenable tentación para el desilusionado europeo."
En la hora crepuscular de Europa José Mª Alejandro, S.J. Colec. "Historia y Filosofía de la Ciencia". ESPASA CALPE, Madrid 1958, pág., 47
Nada sin Dios
Barry Sotero needs to go back to Kenya or wherever he came from. This George Soros-funded imposter is a national disgrace upon what's left of the United States of America. Ugh.
Última edición por Annuit Coeptis; 19/03/2015 a las 10:03
"And, as we Catholics know, Western Civilization is Roman Civilization, first classical Roman Civilization, then Roman Catholic Civilization, as the Christians preserved and carried classical Roman Civilization to the world in a Christianized form. That is, after all, why we are described as Roman Catholics."
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