Busted Compromising
Eleison Comments XC
Between the crisis of the Church, still compounding, and the economic crash now, as Americans say, barreling down the pike, there is an interesting parallel to be drawn. Only those who think religion and economics have nothing to do with one another, need be surprised. Both are seated in the same human beings and societies.
In both cases, according as, say over the last 300 years, man has moved further and further away from God, so he has made more and more compromises with the Truth and Laws of God and nature. But the nature of God and man and things cannot be changed, so that the moment comes when the compromising stretches too far from reality, and breaks down.
That moment is today.
In economics, the founding of the Bank of England in 1694 was a major step on the way towards modern finance: central banks taking control of the money supply and therefore of the real government of the nations, by progressively replacing real deposits as the foundation of credit with fictitious credit as the foundation of "deposits". Fake finance became global in the 20th century, and is being crashed in the 21st century to give to the money-men final control of world government. Alas, the sense of economic realities may have been lost too far back in the past for even real suffering and real riots to wrest that control from those who are masters of the mass of minds by their vile media.
In the Church, the steady diminution of the Faith over the 17th and 18th centuries gave rise to Concordats in the 19th and 20th centuries, by which the Church would renounce certain of her natural privileges in order to establish her most important rights by at least a contractual agreement with States where those privileges were no longer believed in. So it came to seem that instead of the human resting on the divine, the divine rested on the human, with the result that Catholic dogma may have remained for the 19th century anchored in God's Truth, but when with the 20th century's modernism and Vatican II the same shift towards man took over even Catholic doctrine, then the Church's very structures immediately began to fall in ruins, today still piling up.
In both economics and religion, the remedy can only be to go in time forward by going back to healthy basics, and by giving up on trying to extend the series of unhealthy compromises with a world that has run itself onto the rocks. However, whereas in economics the enemies of mankind may win, in religion we have God's own promise (Mt. XVI, 18-20) that they will not prevail over the Catholic Church. So we prepare to suffer, but we pray, especially for the Pope, with an unshakable trust in God. Kyrie eleison.
London, England
Bishop Richard Williamson
If Bishop Williamson distinguished himself lately by an ill-devised media misinformation of his public statements, the truth is that he has, for a long time now, one of the brightest and keenest views of the Clergy, on the ways the World's turning, these last times.
This text is a precious example of that view, alerting for the paralels to be drawn between the sacred and the human sides of our day's civilization: paralels that lead us to the conclusion that ruthess liberalism, proved that is a sin against Faith, is also a sin against a fair and balanced economy.
Última edición por Irmão de Cá; 30/03/2009 a las 22:07
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