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Tema: Islamista radical inspector de educación

  1. #1
    Avatar de Juan del Águila
    Juan del Águila está desconectado Jainko-Sorterri-Foruak-Errege
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    13 abr, 06
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    Islamista radical inspector de educación

    Por Javier_L en el FSTM:


    (Noticia del Daily Mail)

    "Y para rematar, en Inglaterra también, un profesor musulmán que ha denunciado a alumnos por celebrar la Navidad ha sido nombrado inspector de Educación. ¿No son ésto ya las catacumbas?:
    Muslim teacher in carol concert tirade is made Ofsted inspector

    By WAYNE FRANCIS Last updated at 22:00pm on 30th September 2006

    Israr Khan

    A hardline Muslim teacher who caused a furore by denouncing pupils for celebrating Christmas has been made a Government schools inspector.

    Israr Khan's Ofsted appointment was described by a former colleague as 'absolutely astonishing'.

    Mr Khan, now headmaster of an Islamic school, launched into his tirade during a concert rehearsal at Washwood Heath Secondary School in Birmingham in 1996 after the choir including around 40 Muslim youngsters, had sung a number of popular Christmas songs, including carols.

    He leapt from his seat, yelling: "Who is your God? Why are you saying Jesus and Jesus Christ? God is not your God - it is Allah."
    As children in the audience began booing and clapping, a number of choir members - both white and Asian - walked out, some in tears.

    Mr Khan, a maths teacher, was asked to work from home pending an investigation but there was no disciplinary action.
    It has been claimed that Washwood Heath school was then a 'hotbed of Islamic fundamentalism'. Rashid Rauf - the airline terror bomb suspect whose extradition is currently being sought from Pakistan - was a pupil there at that time.

    Mr Khan left Washwood Heath a year later to found the independent Islamic Hamd House Preparatory School in Small Heath, Birmingham, where he is headmaster.

    Earlier this year, he was appointed as a governor of Anderton Park Primary School, in Sparkbrook, Birmingham.

    A former Washwood Heath colleague laughed openly when told of Mr Khan's role as an Ofsted inspector where he has the responsibility for passing or failing schools.

    He said: "Given the man's history, it's absolutely astonishing. It's just the cheek of the man that he's been able to reach that position. He always was an extremely clever man.

    "He gave me many insights into the Islamic cause and their hatred of the US and the Western World. He had a big support base among some of the Muslim parents.

    "But there were some very influential, radical elements at Washwood Heath at that time and Israr Khan was very close to all that."

    Earlier this year, Anderton Park, where 99.5 per cent of the pupils are Asian, received a dismal Ofsted report which branded its teaching and its achievements as inadequate.

    One Muslim father, who asked to be known only as Mohammed, said: "As a governor, Mr Khan will be able to exert a great deal of influence over the school and its policies.

    "By his previous actions, he seems to represent what I would call a hardcore attitude to Islam."

    Mr Khan declined to comment about his appointment, waving questions away at his large home in Moseley, Birmingham.
    An Ofsted spokesman said: "Israr Khan was appointed as an additional inspector via a highly competitive recruitment and selection process. He has undergone all the relevant security checks."

    By WAYNE FRANCIS Last updated at 22:00pm on 30th September 2006 "

  2. #2
    Avatar de Arnau Jara
    Arnau Jara está desconectado Miembro graduado
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    16 mar, 05
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    Re: Islamista radical inspector de educación

    Libros antiguos y de colección en IberLibro
    En Catalunya los progres del tripipartit han retirado el "jalufo" de los menús escolares y el Belén en Navidad.

    De los institutos los crucifijos, no le hacen ascos a los tangas de las adolescentes y callarán cuando el burka sea obligatorio.
    Última edición por Arnau Jara; 06/10/2006 a las 13:14
    Vita hominis brevis:
    ideo honesta mors est immortalitas

    Que no me abandone la Fe,
    cuando toque a bayoneta,
    que en tres días sitiamos Madrid
    y en otros quince la capital, Lisboa.

    Sic Semper Tyrannis

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