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Tema: The real Che Guevara

  1. #101
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    29 ene, 09
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    Re: The real Che Guevara

    Castro and Che planned their Manhattan holocaust short weeks after Nikita Khrushchev had foiled their plans for an even bigger one. "Say hello to my little friends!" they dream of yelling at the Yankee "hyenas" in October of 1962, right before the mushroom clouds. But for the prudence of the Butcher of Budapest (Nikita Khrushchev) they might have pulled it off. Guevara's quote at the head of this article is ample proof. Che thought he was speaking off-the-record to Sam Russell of Britain's Daily Worker's at the time.

    Despite the diligent work of Camelot court scribes and their ever-eager acolytes in the MSM, publishing and Hollywood, Nikita Khrushchev himself makes hash of their Camelot boosterism. The Butcher of Budapest admitted that Fidel and Che's genocidal fantasy was a much bigger factor in his decision to yank the missiles from Cuba than Kennedy's utterly bogus bluster, threats and "blockade," during those famous "Thirteen Days." - Humberto Fontova, New York Honors Che Guevara with a Statue, American Thinker, November 25, 2008
    All that you have to do is read the statements of Alexander Allusive, Soviet ambassador to Cuba during the Missile Crisis and the memoirs of Nikita Khrushchev. Everything you want to know is there.

  2. #102
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    Re: The real Che Guevara

    The regime Che Guevara co-founded stole the savings and property of 6.4 million citizens, made refugees of 20 percent of the population from a nation formerly deluged with immigrants and whose citizens had achieved a higher standard of living than those residing in half of Europe.

    Under Che Guevara's rule "change," indeed came to Cuba. - Humberto Fontova, New York Honors Che Guevara with a Statue, American Thinker, November 25, 2008
    Certainly Che and Castro succeeded in bringing “change” to Cuba.

  3. #103
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    Re: The real Che Guevara

    Most of the people who praise Che know little to nothing about him. He’s more of an idea to them than a fact. They think he’s this guy who fought imperialism instead of Fidel’s executioner. A butcher who was a humorless psychopath.

    People like Che turn their country into a living hell, where people have no rights and are imprisoned for talking back. Maybe that’s why some leftists admire them. They wish they had that kind of power themselves.

  4. #104
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    Re: The real Che Guevara

    On December 1964, during a debate inthe United Nations General Assembly where Guevara represented de Cubangovernment, this was severely attacked because of the firing squad executions without any judicial process and evidence as required by the rule of law.Guevara, in his own voiced, responded:

    "We must say here what is a known truth, which we have always expressed before theworld: firing squad executions, yes, we have executed; we are executing and we will continue to execute as long as is necessary. Our struggle is a struggle to the death."


    Here you hear it, straight from the horse mouth,

  5. #105
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    Re: The real Che Guevara

    Daniel Alarcón Ramírez, a Cuban guerrilla fighter who went to Bolivia with Argentine mercenary Che Guevara to begin a guerrilla war, told the Italian newspaper Corriere del la Sera that Cuban dictator Fidel Castro betrayed Guevara following orders from Moscow.

    Alarcón Ramírez, who was known as "Benigno," told the newspaper in an interview published on Sunday, that Moscow considered Guevara "a veryd angerous personality for its imperialist strategies."

    According to Benigno, Castro followed the orders from Moscow to eliminate Guevara because Cuba needed the aid that it was receiving from the URSS in order to survive.

    He told the newspaper that the plan was to"export the revolution" but that Castro abandoned them in the Bolivian jungle. "Che went to his death knowing that Castro had betrayed him," he said. - Corriere della Sera, January 24, 2009, “Fidel Castro betrayed Che Guevara following orders from the Soviet Union"
    The main reason of Benigno defection from the regime was the betrayal of Che by FidelCastro.

  6. #106
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    Re: The real Che Guevara

    Killer Chic: Hollywood's Sick Love Affair with CheGuevara

    Giselle Bundchen wears him on her bikini. Johnny Depp wearshim around his neck. And Benicio del Toro becomes him in Steven Soderbergh'sby-all-accounts-fawning four-hour biopic, Che, now in limited release.

    Del Toro, who took home best actor honors at Cannes earlier this year, is already earningOscar whispers for his performance. But "Che" is only the latest signof Hollywood's infatuation with Guevara, Castro, and other dictatorial goons(recently, Sean Penn had a cover story in The Nation lamenting unfair mediacoverage of the tyrannical Cuban and Venezuelan regimes).

    "Killer Chic" tours the hellholes of totalitarianism through the eyesof Paquito D'Rivera, who left Cuba for artistic freedom and ended up becoming aGrammy Award-winning jazz player, and Kai Chen, a former member of the Chinesenational basketball team whose relatives were hauled off under Mao Zedong'sCultural Revolution. "Killer Chic" is a fascinating and troublingforay into Hollywood'sshallow--and callow--appropriation of murderous thugs.

    Che was a sadistic madman living out fantasies under the veil of ideology that was romanticized by the idea and grandeur of violent uprising and revolution and didn't care about humane ethics or values

  7. #107
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    Re: The real Che Guevara


    Gisele Bundchen wears him on the runway, Johnny Depp wears him around his neck, and Benicio Del Toro becomes him in the new, highly acclaimed, two-part epic film from Steven Soderbergh, Che. Ernesto"Che" Guevara, the revolutionary who helped found communist Cuba, is the celebrity that celebrities adore. And be it Madonna, Rage Against the Machine,or Jay-Z, musicians really dig Che.

    It's something that baffles Cuban jazz legend PaquitoD'Rivera. "he hated artists, so how is it possible that artists still today support the image of Che Guevara?" Turns out the rebellious icon that emblazons countless T-shirts actually enforced aesthetic and political conformity. D'Rivera explains that Che and other Cuban authorities sought to ban rock and roll and jazz.

    "Che was an inspiration for me," D'Rivera tellsr eason.tv. "I thought I have to get out of this island as soon as I can, because I am in the wrong place at the wrong time!" D'Rivera did escape Cuba, and sofar he's won nine Grammy awards playing the kind of music Che tried to silence. But D'Rivera says Che's crimes didn't end with censorship. "He ordered the execution of many people with no trial." Che served as Castro's chief executioner, presiding over the infamous La Cabana prison. D'Rivera says Che's policy of killing innocents earned him the nickname the Butcher of La Cabana.

    “We're rightly horrified by fascist murderers like Adolph Hitler," says reason.tv's Nick Gillespie. “Why aren't we also horrified by communist killers?” Certainly, Che's body count isn't anywhere near Hitler's. But what about someone Che idolized, someone whom he might have liked to wear on his chest?

    "Che, Castro, all the communist regimes idolized only one thing that Mao personifies violence." Kai Chen grew up in China under the reign of Mao Zedong. Although he won gold medals for China’s national basketball team, Chen's was far from the celebrity life of an NBA star. Says Chen, "You have no right to talk, and you have no right to think."

    The punishment for questioning Mao’s authority was often death. The Black Book of Communism estimates that Mao is responsible for the deaths of 65 million people’s a figure that dwarfs even Hitler’s body count." Mao is a murderer," says Chen. “The biggest mass murderer in human history."

    And yet, like Che, Mao's image is becoming an increasingly popular way to move merchandise. You can buy Mao t-shirts, mugs, caps—you name it. Near Chen's Los Angeles home there's even a restaurant called Mao's Kitchen. "Can you imagine a restaurant called Hitler's Kitchen?" asks Gillespie.

    Neither D'Rivera nor Chen understands why communist killers are considered Chic, but each finds his own way to have the last laugh on these anti-capitalist icons.

    "Killer Chic" is written and produced by Ted Balaker. Director of Photography is Alex Manning.

    Closing music, "Che Guevara T-Shirt Wearer,"courtesy of The Clap

    Video link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iQcUkd1w_TY
    The communist movement around the world was simply a vehicle for him to carry out his morbid obsessions. He's not the great revolutionarydepicted on posters, murals, and t-shirts, but rather a grand failure and pathetic excuse for a human being.

  8. #108
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    Re: The real Che Guevara

    The Victims of Che Guevara – YAF
    The poster collage uses tiny photos of those killed by Che and Castro’s communist regime to compose the face of the Marxist guerrilla, who has become a popular T-shirt icon, revealing the truth of Che's cruel murderous hypocrisy and acknowledging his countless victims, known and unknown.

  9. #109
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    Re: The real Che Guevara

    Barack Obama and Che Guevara

    This Cuban American woman, with the Che image on the cuban flag in the background, is obviously a Castro simpaticer. She is doing the same thing that some Cuban sympathizers are doing. See what they can find out and what they can organize against this Great Country.

    Under Che Guevara's rule "Change" indeed came to Cuba. If I was running for President, I would make damn sure that I wasn't being misrepresented by ANY office, especially on TV, unless of course I endorsed it.

  10. #110
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    Re: The real Che Guevara

    For the useful tools out there that repeats the same thing over and over like a trained Cacatua. The image of Che is a Communist propaganda tool used to lure you in, just as drugs. Pointing other's mistakes doesn't make you better. He was a freaking arrogant foreigner who went to other people's countries to meddle in theirs business and murdered them.

  11. #111
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    Re: The real Che Guevara

    Che, the rise of the ape: “Judicial evidence is anarchaic bourgeois detail. I don’t need proof to execute a man. I only needproof that it’s necessary to execute him. We execute from revolutionaryconviction! To establish Socialism rivers of blood must flow!”

    This infatuation that Hollywood has with the cold killingmachine Che Guevara is an addiction. It’s anotherexample of the Hollywood bandwagon jumping on what’s currently popular to makea profit. It's depressing how little these people really know about Cheor care.

  12. #112
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    Re: The real Che Guevara

    Che, the revolutionary romantic, as depicted by Benecio delToro in Soderbergh’s film, never existed. That hero of the left, with hishippie hair and beard, an image now iconic on t-shirts and coffee mugs aroundthe world, is a myth concocted by Fidel Castro’s propagandists – something of across between Don Quixote and Robin Hood

    Like those tall tales, Fidel’s myth of Che bears asuperficial resemblance to historical facts, but the real story is far darker.Some Robin Hood probably did brutalize the rich and, to cover his tracks, gavesome of his loot to the poor. In medieval Spain, Quixote-like knightsprobably did roam the countryside, ridding it not of dragons but of the land’sfew remaining Muslims.

    What works for teenagers also seems to work withforever-young movie directors. In the 1960’s, the Che look, with beard andberet, was at least a glib political statement. Today, it is little more than afashion accoutrement that inspires a big-budget Hollywoodepic. Are Che theme parks next?

    But once there was a real Che Guevara: he is less wellknown than the fictional puppet that has replaced reality. The true Che was amore significant figure than his fictional clone, for he was the incarnation ofwhat revolution and Marxism really meant in the twentieth century.- Guy Sorman, Hollywood filmmakers blind to Che Guevara's brutality, The Australian, February 02, 2009.
    In a letter to his father referring to anexecution he wrote: "I'd like toconfess, papa, at that moment I discovered that I really like killing."
    Última edición por Tamakun; 18/03/2014 a las 10:38

  13. #113
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    Re: The real Che Guevara

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