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Tema: History of Jacobitism on the BBC

  1. #1
    Avatar de Rodrigo
    Rodrigo está desconectado Miembro Respetado
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    03 dic, 06
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    History of Jacobitism on the BBC

    Interesting documentary about the history of Scotland and Jacobitism

    Última edición por Rodrigo; 27/03/2012 a las 20:55

  2. #2
    Daniel Jose Troilo está desconectado Miembro novel
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    06 abr, 12
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    Re: History of Jacobitism on the BBC

    Libros antiguos y de colección en IberLibro
    Great Video.....very interesting to note the Darien Bubble was a direct precursor to this Mississippi Company - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia without which the french revolution would likely never have taken place. Same with the current world problems caused by money backed by nothing.

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