Brownson was a militant atheist, socialist activist, and a member of various occult societies like that of Transcendentalism prior to converting to Catholicism. His writings were widely-admired by European Catholic thinkers of the time- especially by another convert to the Church, John Henry Newman. Brownson's opinion was essentially that the only thing that could prevent the slide of the American commonwealth into despotism was to convert it to Catholicism so as to harmonize American constitutionalism and the moral and social teachings of the Church.
It should be noted that he was offering a sociopolitical theory based upon his time as a liberal activist and as a convert to Catholicism- the years Brownson spent agitating for various liberal causes gave him a superior understanding of liberal methodologies which, as he grew older, he became more jaded by. The fundamental point of his political thinking was that the American system of republican government is compatible with the teachings of the Church- and he goes to some length in his seminal work (The American Republic, cited above) to compare and contrast the ancient Roman republic with its American counterpart and that, at least for the United States, the model government isn't going to be found in the ancient polities of Greece or Rome (however favorably he compares it to the U.S.) nor in the monarchies of Christian Europe but in its own indigenous political traditions, purified and enhanced by the moral, political, and social teachings of the Catholic Church.
I hope that some find this interesting.