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Tema: The Cathedral of Toledo, Spain

  1. #1
    Avatar de Hyeronimus
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    16 ene, 07
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    The Cathedral of Toledo, Spain

    The Cathedral of Toledo, Spain (Part 1)


    Friday, December 15, 2023

    For the octave of Our Lady’s Immaculate Conception, here are some pictures of one of the most impressive churches in the world dedicated to Her, the cathedral of Toledo, courtesy of a friend. (I recently included a few of his pictures in a post about the Mozarabic liturgy, which is still celebrated daily in a chapel built within the cathedral in the early 16th century to save it from extinction.) There will be two follow-ups, one of the cloister and chapter house, and another of the sacristy, but I think it would require something like ten posts to do full justice to this magnificent church.

    The cathedral was built on the site which the principal mosque of Toledo had stood during the Islamic occupation, which itself had replaced a much earlier Visigothic structure. The current building was begun in 1226, and completed in 1493. The façade is part of the original design, begun in 1418, but restorations done in the later 18th century, necessitated by deterioration of the stonework, altered its appearance considerably. The belltower is contemporary to it; on the right is the Mozarabic chapel, officially “the chapel of Corpus Christ”, built in the 1500.

    The entrance to the Mozarabic chapel.

    The main choir seen from towards the back of the main nave. In many Spanish cathedrals, including Toledo, the choir is set within part of the columns of the main nave, but the main sanctuary is separate from it, and the space between them is left open.

    Unlike Italy, Spain did not reject the inheritance of the Gothic period during the 15th century, since Gothic was the style which prevailed during the glorious period of the Reconquista, then drawing to its final success. The Spanish did not use the pejorative term “Gothic”, taken from the Germanic tribe that had once sacked Rome, and seen by the Italians as its destroyers; what we call Gothic art and architecture, they called “estilo moderno”, and what we call the style of Renaissance, they called “estilo romano.” This is why we find this huge (about 50 feet high) and fantastically complex Gothic altarpiece over the main altar commissioned so late as 1497, when the Italian Renaissance was much closer to its end than its beginning; it was completed in 1504, the work of a large crew of builders, painters and sculptors. The major panels depict 20 scenes from the life of Christ and the Virgin, surrounded by countless other figures.

    The gate which separate the main sanctuary from the rest of the nave. As noted above, the space between this gate and the choir is open, such that one can walk through it from one side of the cathedral to the other.

    A monumental tomb on the side of the main sanctuary, made for Card. Pedro González de Mendoza, archbishop of Toledo from 1482-95 (the predecessor of Card. Cisneros, the savior of the Mozarabic Rite.)

    Here the photographer is standing towards the back of the right nave (near the door of the Mozarabic chapel), looking at the exterior wall of the choir. The part of that wall which faces the counter-façade is itself a chapel dedicated to the Virgin Mary...

    with a very impressive reredos of its own. (There are two other chapels on the exterior wall of the choir, one dedicated to the Crucifixion, and the other to St Catherine of Alexandria.)

    Various views of the interior of the choir, constructed between 1495-98...

    with a total of 140 stalls.

    The entrance to the chapter house (more properly, the chapter room, since it is not an independent building.)

  2. #2
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    16 ene, 07
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    Re: The Cathedral of Toledo, Spain

    The chapel of the Descent, said to mark the spot where the Virgin Mary came down from heaven and appeared to St Ildephonse (born ca. 607; archbishop of Toledo from 657-67), and gave him a chasuble as a reward for having defended the doctrine of Her perpetual virginity. This is one of the few surviving examples of a chantry chapel which preserves its gate.

    The entrance to the treasury room...

    which contains this amazing monstrance, commissioned by Card. Cisneros in 1517, and completed in 1524.

    The chapel of St Ildephonse, decorated with the galeros of two of his successors in the primatial see of Spain.


  3. #3
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    Re: The Cathedral of Toledo, Spain

    The Cathedral of Toledo, Spain (Part 2): The Cloister and Chapter House

    Wednesday, December 20, 2023

    We continue with pictures taken by a friend at the cathedral of Toledo in Spain, today covering the cloister and chapter house (properly, chapter room, since it is not a separate detached building.) The first set, pictures of the cathedral itself, was published last Friday. At the beginning of the month, I used some of his pictures of the Mozarabic chapel inan article about that rite.

    The bell-tower seen from within the cloister.

    The walls of the cloister are decorated with 18th century frescos of episodes of the lives of important local Saints, such as Eugenius, archbishop of Toledo from 636 to 646, Leocadia, a virgin martyr of the persecution of Diocletian (ca. 304), and Casilda (950-1050), a Moorish princess who converted to Christianity, went to northern Spain, and lived to a great old age as a solitary.

    Accoutrements for the annual Corpus Christi procession, which is done with particular solemnity in Toledo: the wagon for pulling the float which carries the great monstrance...

    and these large puppets, which are not carried in the procession, but set up on the balconies of various buildings along the route. (If anyone knows why exactly this is done, please leave an explanation in the combox.)

    The tomb of Pedro Diaz de Tenorio, archbishop of Toledo from 1377 to 1399.

    The chapter room was added to the south side of the building in 1504 by order of Cardinal Cisneros, who also built the Mozarabic chapel. Beneath the richly coffered ceiling is a series of frescos of the life of Christ and the Virgin Mary, and beneath them, portraits of all the archbishops of Toledo from St Eugenius to the present.

    This image only from Wikimedia Commons, by PMRMaeyaert, CC BY-SA 3.0.


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    Re: The Cathedral of Toledo, Spain

  5. #5
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    Re: The Cathedral of Toledo, Spain

    The Sacristy of the Cathedral of Toledo

    Friday, December 29, 2023

    Gregory DiPippo

    Our series on the cathedral of Toledo concludes with pictures of the sacristy, which is full of artworks and magnificent liturgical furnishings, including several paintings by El Greco, as well as Goya, Titian, Raphael, Velasquez, Caravaggio and Van Dijk among others. The first part of this series showed the cathedral itself, and the second part covered the cloister and chapter house.

    The sacristy was built in the later 17th century, and decorated by the Neapolitan artist Luca Giordano (1634-1705), who worked for ten years (1692-1702) as chief painter of the Spanish court. The enormous fresco on the ceiling depicts the clothing of St Ildephonsus with a chasuble which, according to an ancient legend, was given to him by the Virgin Mary as a reward for writing a treatise in defense of her perpetual virginity.

    The altarpiece of the sacristy altar, the Despoliation of Christ, is one of a series of paintings made for the cathedral by El Greco (1541-1614), which also includes portraits of the Twelve Apostles, and an image of Our Lord as Pantocrator.

    St Peter

    St Paul

    The Crucifixion

    The Arrest of Christ, 1788, by Francisco Goya (1746-1828)

    A copy of Titian’s portrait of Pope Paul III. Traditionally said to have been by Titian himself ca. 1545, two years after he painted the original, but now attributed by many scholars to a later hand, possibly the Flemish painter Anthony van Dijk.

    St John the Baptist in the Wilderness, ca. 1598, attributed either to Caravaggio or one of his early followers, Bartolomeo Cavarozzi.

    The Virgin of the Veil, a later work by Raphael (1487-1520)

    The Holy Family, by Anthony van Dijk, ca. 1626.

    Última edición por Hyeronimus; 12/01/2024 a las 01:31

  6. #6
    Avatar de Hyeronimus
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    16 ene, 07
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    Re: The Cathedral of Toledo, Spain

    Libros antiguos y de colección en IberLibro
    The Presentation of Christ in the Temple, by Luis de Velasco, 1587


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