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Tema: Hispanic or latino.

  1. #1
    Avatar de mazadelizana
    mazadelizana está desconectado Mos maiorum
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    02 abr, 08
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    Hispanic or latino.

    I have found this article about these terms.

    Many ask this question: what is the difference between a Hispanic or Latino? Related questions include: which term to use? Some insist on the usage of one term over the other, while others do not mind either term.
    Many Hispanics/Latinos would agree that the usage of Hispanic or Latino, both, or neither, is a personal preference.<SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: 'Trebuchet MS'; mso-bidi-font-size: 12.0pt"><SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: 'Trebuchet MS'; mso-bidi-font-size: 12.0pt">

    <SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; mso-bidi-font-size: 12.0pt">A few polls have attempted to address the Hispanic or Latino topic, but the results have been widely divergent and dependent on the polling group.

    Where is the message?

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    Última edición por mazadelizana; 17/02/2009 a las 05:13 Razón: something is wrong.

    "El vivir que es perdurable
    no se gana con estados
    ni con vida deleitable
    en que moran los pecados
    mas los buenos religiosos
    gánanlo con oraciones
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  2. #2
    Avatar de la marchigiana
    la marchigiana está desconectado Miembro graduado
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    31 mar, 09
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    Respuesta: Hispanic or latino.

    Hello,I found that on WikiAnswers but it seems to be a too simple explanation to me:

    "Hispanic refers to Spain and its culture and people, and is especially applied to Americans whose first language is Spanish.
    Latin refers to the language of ancient Rome, but is also used to describe a person from a country whose language developed from Latin: for example, Latin American."

    Have a look at this as well:

    Última edición por la marchigiana; 31/03/2009 a las 15:43

  3. #3
    Avatar de Reke_Ride
    Reke_Ride está desconectado Contrarrevolucionario
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    08 sep, 06
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    Respuesta: Hispanic or latino.

    Latino doesn't exist, is an invented modern term, because as someone of our brothers sometime said: Then it could be used in North America with every quebecois and even with italian-american people.
    "De ciertas empresas podría decirse que es mejor emprenderlas que rechazarlas, aunque el fin se anuncie sombrío"

  4. #4
    Avatar de Irmão de Cá
    Irmão de Cá está desconectado Miembro Respetado
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    08 sep, 08
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    Respuesta: Hispanic or latino.

    Cita Iniciado por la marchigiana Ver mensaje
    Hello,I found that on WikiAnswers but it seems to be a too simple explanation to me:

    "Hispanic refers to Spain and its culture and people, and is especially applied to Americans whose first language is Spanish.
    Latin refers to the language of ancient Rome, but is also used to describe a person from a country whose language developed from Latin: for example, Latin American."

    Have a look at this as well:

    I think you've rated that explanation exceedingly well, La Marchigiana; too simple. So simple, that we can repute it simpleton rather than simple.

    Notice: the portuguese are hispanic, as well as the andorrean and the gibraltarian are (or at least they should be, for Gribraltar is ocupied spanish land)... and yet, they're not spanish, meaning they're not spanish citizens nor subjects of the King of Spain. They too are hispanic because they share the same historical and cultural legacy that the spaniards got from the Roman and later Visigothic Hispania. The language often called spanish is in truth castillian and as much spanish as catalonian is, or galician, or astur-leonese, or valencian, or basque, or aranese. And as much hispanic as portuguese is.

    Therefore, all the portuguese speaking countries (former colonies of the ancient portuguese empire) are most rightfully hispanic.
    res eodem modo conservatur quo generantur

  5. #5
    Avatar de Hyeronimus
    Hyeronimus está desconectado Miembro Respetado
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    16 ene, 07
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  6. #6
    Avatar de Donoso
    Donoso está desconectado Technica Impendi Nationi
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    06 mar, 05
    Bellatrix Castilla
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    Respuesta: Hispanic or latino.

    Libros antiguos y de colección en IberLibro
    Cita Iniciado por mazadelizana Ver mensaje
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    I don't know where were you trying to copy from, so I can't. Using the preview function should help to avoid this kind of problems
    Aquí corresponde hablar de aquella horrible y nunca bastante execrada y detestable libertad de la prensa, [...] la cual tienen algunos el atrevimiento de pedir y promover con gran clamoreo. Nos horrorizamos, Venerables Hermanos, al considerar cuánta extravagancia de doctrinas, o mejor, cuán estupenda monstruosidad de errores se difunden y siembran en todas partes por medio de innumerable muchedumbre de libros, opúsculos y escritos pequeños en verdad por razón del tamaño, pero grandes por su enormísima maldad, de los cuales vemos no sin muchas lágrimas que sale la maldición y que inunda toda la faz de la tierra.

    Encíclica Mirari Vos, Gregorio XVI

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