I wish that I could find his complete commentary on the London riots. Limbaugh's knowledge of politics is almost peerless and his ability to accurately explain a situation has made him one of the most hated conservative commentators in the U.S. He had some spot-on comments yesterday about England, France, Greece, Spain, etc. More or less his thesis is that the reason why Europe is in such a turmoil, and why the U.S. is also in such dire straits, is because the psuedo-socialist governments of the West are collapsing and the ne'er-do-wells are up in arms because the freebies are running out.

By Obama voters Limbaugh more or less means someone largely politically uneducated and easily manipulated by political rhetoric, i.e. an Obomoid.

Rush Limbaugh London Riots | Obama Voters | Audio | Mediaite