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Tema: Obama Surrenders America to Islam.

  1. #1
    Avatar de mazadelizana
    mazadelizana está desconectado Mos maiorum
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    02 abr, 08
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    Obama Surrenders America to Islam.

    Former Senator Barack Obama's eagerness to surrender to Islam and hand over the country to ideological thugs was on shining display last week as he made ill-advised overtures to Iran; of course without pre-conditions.

    His first-week efforts of attempting to stop the trials of terrorist killers in Guantanamo, his orders to begin shutting down that facility and his reaching out to Islam, a perfect trifecta, not only signal to every Muslim bully on the planet that he and the United States are weak and can be intimidated, but it justifies every single murder on the bloody hands of all Muslims.

    As proof, Iran's Satanic leader, Achmed Achmadinejad, responded this past weekend to Obama's obesiance to Islam with typical and expected , 'polish-my-sword' aggressive rhetoric. What Obama has done is to empower all of Islam and especially the terrorist-state, Iran; and Achmadinejad knows it.

    According to The Debka File, Achmadinejad's response was to demand that America apologize to Iran for 60 years of "crimes against Iran" and that it's new president carry out a "deep and fundamental change."

    So now it is not the American people's will which will be determining American foreign policy, it will be Iran telling us what to do and how to do it. Obama will be working for Achmadinejad from now on.

    The liberal, hate-America-first crowd in this country, with Obama as their prince, and their incessant bame-America contentions has now gone the exact direction that such idiocy goes - it is giving the enemy a platform from which to infiltrate and manipulate public policy inside the United States.

    Should not such behavior, therefore, be labelled treasonous? Does it not weaken the United States and aide our enemy? Is the Commander-in-Chief supposed to be the Chief-Capitulator?

    These surrenders to Islam should be halted IMMEDIATELY. Somebody needs to tell Mr. Obama what barbaric Muslim leaders view as strong and what they view as weak. Someone should tell Mr. Obama what the Muslim's global-dominating agenda really is.

    Because Achmadniejad does not have our best interests in mind, and apparently neither does Mr. Obama.

    "El vivir que es perdurable
    no se gana con estados
    ni con vida deleitable
    en que moran los pecados
    mas los buenos religiosos
    gánanlo con oraciones
    y con lloros;
    los caballeros famosos,
    con trabajos y aflicciones
    contra moros".


  2. #2
    Avatar de Hyeronimus
    Hyeronimus está desconectado Miembro Respetado
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    16 ene, 07
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    Respuesta: Obama Surrenders America to Islam.

    Osama, Obama... what's the difference after all?

  3. #3
    Avatar de Donoso
    Donoso está desconectado Technica Impendi Nationi
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    06 mar, 05
    Bellatrix Castilla
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    Respuesta: Obama Surrenders America to Islam.

    I don't like Obama either, but I think we have stronger reasons for not to like him than the usual neocon trash propaganda.

    As proof, Iran's Satanic leader, Achmed Achmadinejad,
    Hahahaha, oh really?
    Seriously, Bush and Obama are much closer to be "satanic" leaders than Achmadinejad.

    The neocon agenda looks more ridiculous day by day. They should change the joke soon.
    Aquí corresponde hablar de aquella horrible y nunca bastante execrada y detestable libertad de la prensa, [...] la cual tienen algunos el atrevimiento de pedir y promover con gran clamoreo. Nos horrorizamos, Venerables Hermanos, al considerar cuánta extravagancia de doctrinas, o mejor, cuán estupenda monstruosidad de errores se difunden y siembran en todas partes por medio de innumerable muchedumbre de libros, opúsculos y escritos pequeños en verdad por razón del tamaño, pero grandes por su enormísima maldad, de los cuales vemos no sin muchas lágrimas que sale la maldición y que inunda toda la faz de la tierra.

    Encíclica Mirari Vos, Gregorio XVI

  4. #4
    Avatar de Rodrigo
    Rodrigo está desconectado Miembro Respetado
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    03 dic, 06
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    Respuesta: Obama Surrenders America to Islam.

    Libros antiguos y de colección en IberLibro
    An interesting opinion of black catholic U.S. senator Alan Keyes about Obama:


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