The Russians in the Hispanic Kingdoms (I)
S.A.R. D. Sixto with Rev. Andrei Kordochkin and a group of Carlists
In these times of great difficulties, when war is threatening again the whole world, between Russia and Ukraine and the involvement of the US, European Union and the NATO group in the current conflicts. Though it seems that history is repeating itself for another purpose, we still tend to remember the old days when wars, persecution, deaths and thousands of damages were made to our people and lands. But today, we are to remember the Russians who voluntarily fought and fled from the Communists regime of Russia then in China. We will remember in this article the faithful and brave Russians who had been exiled and lived in the Hispanic kingdoms and helped us to fight and grow.
These Russians, are not just ordinary persecuted people who fled because of the bad regime and famine that their government brought to them. But most of these Russians were supporters of the Old Russian regime, the Tsarist people, the counter revolutionary of the Russian Empire, the Traditionalist and Religious, in which we Traditionalist and Carlist had something similar that connects us in one purpose and goal. They are called White Russians or the White Army (Guard), they are connected to the White movement who defend the rule of the family of the Czar against the Bolsheviks. They are like the Vendees against the French revolutionaries, or Carlists who defend the true and legitimate king when someone usurps the power to rule.
The White Russians in the Spanish Peninsula
The insignia of the White Russian army in Spain
During the Spanish Civil War, there were White Russians who voluntarily fought against the Reds in the Spanish Peninsula, who were included in the carlist armed forces (Tercios Requeté). The very motto of the Russian Empire is similar to the Carlist motto, in which the Russians had «Por la Fe, El Rey y la Patria». One of the well known White Russian generals and Chief of the White Russian army who fought twice against Communism in Russia then in Spain was General-Lieutenant Eugenii Miller (1867-1939), he fought against the Communist in Russia during the Russian Civil War 1918-1920 and commanded the white Russian army to join in the National Army in Spain against the reds and was later kidnapped by a Soviet agent and killed in Moscow.
Russian White Army volunteers
There are several soldiers who belonged to the Carlist regiment of Tercio Maria de Molina like Artuhov Sergey, Belin Petr, Boltin Nicolay, Bojarunas Vladimir, Golban Dimitriy, Ivanov-Panfilov Panteleymon etc., in the Tercio Navarre like Dvoichenco Vladimir, Krivosheja Nicolay, Goguidjonahvili Constantine, in the Tercio Zumalacarregui like Shinkarenco-Brusilov Nicolay (General-Major) and there were many others.
Since there is already a strong Russian Army’s presence in the Peninsula, they have also a priest who will give them sacraments, a Russian Orthodox priest but not in communion with Rome. The priest blesses the soldiers to fight against the invasion of the reds and celebrated the Divine Liturgy for these Russians who belonged to the carlist requeté regiments.
General-Lieutenant Eugenii Miller (1867-1939)
Russian Priest with Russian White Army volunteers and requetés
The Comunion Tradicionalista who are faithful to the legitimate king D. Sixto Enrique de Borbón had honored the Russian Volunteers last 2012 on the feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, erected an Eastern Cross, in the lands of the Royal Lordship of Molina, in Castilian Extremadura, on the hill known as Cerro del Contadero. There the king D. Sixto Enrique de Borbón led the ceremony with some carlist attendees and a Russian Orthodox priest who blessed the cross.
A moment during the ceremony
Below the cross, there is a plaque and written words saying:
This cross was erected in memory of Russian volunteers on the National side during the Spanish Civil War.
A group of them was on this hill between 1 September 1938 and 16 January 1939.
The Divine Liturgy was celebrated here on 9 October 1938.
This cross was made by Jesús Alba Mansilla, Mayor of Checa, and blessed by Rev. Andrey Kordochkin, Pastor of the Russian Orthodox Church in Madrid, on 9 June 2012.
There is no coincidence with God, during the beginning of the Carlist cause, Russia along with other Eastern kingdoms recognized D. Carlos V as the legitimate king of Spains, and D. Jaime III even served in the Russian Imperial army. After the fall of the Russian Empire, they still helped the Spaniards to cast away the communists from Spain. From this historical alliance of those faithful to Tradition, it is only fitting to say that Tradition is what binds the Carlist Spaniards and the White Russians; they conquered the enemy and put it at stake!
Lawrence Cawas, Círculo Carlista Felipe II de Manila
The Russians in the Hispanic Kingdoms (and II)
The Defense of Sebastopol, by Vasily Igorevich Nesterenko
After the fall of the Russian Empire in 1917, the Bolsheviks seized power after the successful October revolution and proclaimed Russia as a Socialist Republic. The faithful adherents of the Russian Orthodox religion and the loyalists to the family of the Czar did not easily allow the enemies to rule; they resisted the revolutionaries. The uprisings and insurrection made by the Catholic legitimists centuries ago, finally occurred again in the 20th century in the one of the greatest empires in history. The «White Movement» consists of different tribes of Russian people and mainly armies who supported the old regime had casts their punishment against the Bolsheviks, they fought from 1918 to October 1922, they were defeated by the Red Army and later evacuated from different parts of the world, far from the shadow of the Soviet power of Russia. The nearest evacuation place for these white Russians was in the South, in China.
During 1917 to 1923, there were almost 100,000 Russians who emigrated in China; many of them lived in Shanghai province where the Russians had opened their consulate in 1896. Their economic investment in China that led them to come there. They chose Shanghai as their temporary asylum. Most of the Russians survived the Japanese occupation, too. Under the Japanese, their life became better than in Russia, because they received identification papers in order to work, travel and to start a new life, since the Soviet withdrew their recognition of being their citizens. The good days of the Russians ended, even before the declaration of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) by the Communist leader Mao Zedong on October 1, 1949. The political plague of Communism advanced already in China, during these years, and the Communist Party of China was loyal to the Soviet Regime. They forcibly repatriated almost 50,000 Russians, most of them suffered so much in the labor camps and many were executed.
In these times of other trials, the Russians appealed to other countries for another migration but since many nations were devastated from the war and still in the process of healing, many Russians were refused and their cries were ignored. However, there is one Hispanic country, a kingdom of Hispania; it was once called the Pearl of the Orient and the bastion of Christianity in Asia, Philippines.
The Tubabao OdysseyThere were 6,000 White Russians desperately in need of evacuation or else. If they were caught, they would be sent back to Russia. During these times, one of the Hispanic Presidents of the Philippine republic, Elpidio Quirino, opened our lands for these poor refugees to seek asylum. The Island of Tubabao is the chosen place for the White Russians; it is located in the southeastern point of Samar Island, east central of the Philippines. The said Island was a former U.S naval base during the WWII, the natives of the Island saw the Russians as talented people, they even opened a theater and cinema, where they can play their instruments. Many of them too were graduated in different aspects of professionality. They opened their local churches in this small Russian community, their very own RussianOrthodox bishop, who is now venerated as saint of the Russians Bishop John Maximovitch, blessed the camp where they lived.
One of the testimonies of those Russians who once lived on the Island says, «We left our village in China in 1948 to escape the Communists once again. We traveled towards coastal Shanghai in a wagon train, and I remember how frightened we kids all were because the Chinese could have killed us at any time. It took a whole year to get to Shanghai, and when we got there, we found out that the Americans no longer were going to let us into their country. After a lot of waiting, we were taken to the island of Samar in a big boat. It was a very Russian place after we were there for about a year. We had Russian churches and schools and little grass houses to live in. Finally, many of our group became stir crazy waiting there so long, and they left to go to South America or Australia. My family stayed until 1950, when we were finally able to come to America». (M. Lokteff interview, West Sacramento, 10 March 1978).
Such a pity if the Philippines did not open her door for these refugees! They could had been killed by the Communist. Receiving them, we showed that the always-Hispanic Philippines portrayed Spain itself. Elpidio Quirino once said «It is really here where Spain deposited all her love, all her affection, and all her interest to cultivate and propagate her culture and language, both of which we have cultivated and preserved not only as one of the most precious legacies of our history, but also as the secret of our cultural and social progress, particularly because it was Spain that nurtured us with her culture, language, and religion, so that we may develop as a civilized».
Now that Russia is rising into power. The whole world knows the only solution for the greater good of Russia: that is the unfading request of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary to consecrate Russia to her Immaculate Heart. The Catholic Church and the all faithfuls throughout the world will benefit most, and might be in the future, God may reward the Spaniards of the restoration of their empire through Russia.
Lawrence Cawas, Círculo Tradicionalista Felipe II de Manila
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