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Tema: Una consulta soberanista evidenciaria que catalunya quiere ser española.

  1. #1
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    Litus está desconectado "El nombre de España, que hoy
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    11 may, 05
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    Una consulta soberanista evidenciaria que catalunya quiere ser española.

    “Una consulta soberanista evidenciaría que Cataluña quiere ser española”

    Redacción | Publicado el 29 Noviembre, 2009 | Esta noticia tiene 15 Comentarios
    La realidad catalana no es como nos la cuentan los subvencionadísimos periódicos y emisoras de radio firmantes de la famosa editorial pro Estatut. Así lo ha reconocido Artur Mas en una entrevista al diario dependiente ‘El País’.
    Ante la pregunta sobre el resultado en una hipotética consulta sobre la independencia de Cataluña, Mas reconoce que tienen “contrastado con estudios sociológicos que en una consulta en toda Cataluña ganaría el no. Sería un error convocarla para evidenciar ante España y todo el mundo que Cataluña lo que quiere es simplemente ser española. Eso llevaría al país a la derrota. Si se puede plantear en el futuro, ya se verá. En CiU hay opiniones diferentes.”
    "El nombre de España, que hoy abusivamente aplicamos al reino unido de Castilla, Aragón y Navarra, es un nombre de región, un nombre geografico, y Portugal es y será tierra española, aunque permanezca independiente por edades infinitas; es más, aunque Dios la desgaje del territorio peninsular, y la haga andar errante, como a Délos, en medio de las olas. No es posible romper los lazos de la historia y de la raza, no vuelven atrás los hechos ni se altera el curso de la civilización por divisiones políticas (siquiera eternamente), ni por voluntades humanas.
    Todavía en este siglo ha dicho Almeida-Garret, el poeta portugués por excelencia."Españoles somos y de españoles nos debemos preciar cuantos habitamos la península ibérica" .España y Portugal es tan absurdo como si dijéramos España y Catalunya. A tal extremo nos han traído los que llaman lengua española al castellano e incurren en otras aberraciones por el estilo."
    Marcelino Menéndez Pelayo.

  2. #2
    Avatar de Litus
    Litus está desconectado "El nombre de España, que hoy
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    11 may, 05
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    Respuesta: Una consulta soberanista evidenciaria que catalunya quiere ser española.

    Libros antiguos y de colección en IberLibro
    La noticia de los referendums para nuestra verguenza ha tenido repercusion internacional.

    Katalaner går till valurnorna för självstyre

    Publicerat 2009-12-11 16:02
    Foto: Albert Gea / Reuters "Barcelona bestämmer". Deltagare i folkomröstningskampanjen i den katalanska huvudstaden.

    Vill katalanerna lämna Spanien? På söndag ska 161 samhällen i Katalonien i nordöstra delen av landet folkomrösta om självständighet.

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    Katalonien, som är en av de rikaste spanska regionerna, har en stark egen kultur med eget språk och har redan i dag visst självstyre. Men regionen har inte formell rätt att anordna egna bindande folkomröstningar.
    Sedan i höstas rullar ändå en omfattande folkomröstningsprocess över regionen. Först ut i september var den lilla staden Arenys de Munt med 10.000 invånare. Hela 96 procent röstade där för självständighet. Valdeltagandet var 41 procent.
    Nu på söndag är det dags för del två, när över 700.000 röstberättigade i 161 städer och byar ska säga sitt.
    Processen startade som ett medborgarinitiativ. Syftet är att uppmärksamma inte bara spanjorerna utan även omvärlden på en katalansk folklig vilja att bryta sig ur Spanien – men inom ramen för EU. Observatörer från EU-parlamentet finns på plats för att se till att omröstningen genomförs korrekt.
    Målet är att så småningom kunna arrangera en allomfattande katalansk omröstning som blir bindande, åtminstone politiskt.
    Folkomröstningarna har väckt viss uppmärksamhet i andra länder med starka regioner, som kanadensiska Quebec.
    Sammanlagt har över 200 samhällen sagt att de vill delta i processen. I april blir det högintressant, när det är storstaden Barcelonas tur.

    Anders Bolling

    Catalonia votes on independence from Spain

    By Sarah Rainsford
    BBC News, Catalonia

    Many people have already cast an early ballot in the town of Vic

    This weekend, 700,000 people in Catalonia are eligible to vote in the region's first ever referendum on independence from Spain.
    Organised by activists and volunteers, the vote is not officially binding but it is taking place at a tense time in relations with Madrid.
    Supporters hope it is the first step towards a formal ballot for a separate state.
    Deep in the nationalist heartland of Catalonia, campaigners have been drumming up support for the vote.
    In the medieval town of Vic, hundreds of residents have already cast an early ballot at a tent in a corner of the main square.
    Many say the autonomy Catalonia already has is not enough, and they are voting "Yes" to independence.
    "More and more people think we have no room in the Spanish house, so we need a house of our own," organiser Alfons Lopez Tema says.
    "[The Spanish] don't want us, they don't love us, they don't give us what we want. So the best thing is to vote and decide."
    Almost 170 Catalan towns and villages are holding ballots, staffed by thousands of volunteers.
    Some hope the ballot will lead towards a formal independence vote

    Vic has traditionally favoured independence but the vote will be a first indication of whether views here are spreading.
    The referendum has been the topic of daily debate on local radio.
    Speaking Catalan on air was forbidden as subversive during General Franco's dictatorship.
    Today, it is an official language, used in schools and government, and Catalonia itself has broad autonomy.
    But three years ago, people across Catalonia voted for more. They approved a new statute - the law that sets out the relationship between Catalonia and the Spanish state - which defined this part of eastern Spain as a distinct nation.
    It gave more jurisdiction to the local authorities and what many believe is a fairer share of the revenue collected.
    For the moderate-minded majority of Catalans, that was enough.
    The law was approved in a referendum, passed by the Catalan and Spanish parliaments and signed by the king.
    People are disillusioned by what's happened

    Vic Radio presenter Joan Turro

    But Spain's main opposition party is contesting the statute in the Constitutional Court and many Catalans fear key provisions of the law will soon be overturned.
    "People are disillusioned by what's happened. They're fed up. That's why so many are involved in organising this vote," Vic Radio presenter Joan Turro explains during a break in the schedule.
    "People here in the interior of Catalonia have always wanted independence. We want this vote to show that it's not just us now."
    Many people in Catalonia say they feel different from the rest of Spain, with their own distinct language, culture and history.
    Sunday's referendum will test how far that feeling translates into actual support for a separate state.
    Economic help
    But frustrations about the relationship with Madrid are as much about money as identity.
    Home to some 7m people, Catalonia is a prosperous place.
    Some farmers believe breaking away from Spain will help the local economy

    The pretty cobbled streets of medieval Vic are lined with boutiques and alluring delicatessens - industry and agriculture are both strong here.
    But many complain that too much of that local wealth is drained away subsidising poorer parts of Spain and the return investment from Madrid is minimal.
    A key provision of the new statute adjusted the balance but the improved system has not been implemented yet.
    One pig farmer told me he believed breaking away from Spain would help the local economy.
    "If you add everything up, we support the rest of Spain and they don't support us," he said, though like many people he struggled to name anything specific Catalonia has missed out on.
    National identity
    The Catalan government agrees that the balance of payments to Madrid was deeply unjust.
    But Finance Minister Antoni Castells says that the new statute does correct that, adding more than 2 billion euros to the local budget this year.
    The Catalan government will be watching to see how high turnout is

    He points out that only one in five Catalans usually express support for independence.
    Still, he says, the fight over the statute has frustrated many and left "a strong feeling of disappointment".
    For the minister, the thing to watch at this weekend's unofficial referendum is the turnout.
    "If it's high, that suggests an increased number of people think the relationship between Catalonia and Spain should be reconsidered, that too many things are not going in a good way and that a lot of people think Spain is not respecting our self-government and our national identity," Mr Castells explains.
    Catalans are certainly passionate about their identity.
    Back in a smoky bar in Vic, most of the young crowd watching a Barcelona football match on TV have draped themselves in yellow and red Catalan flags.
    Their songs in Catalan are a mixture of swearing at Spain and their own national anthem. There is a map of Catalonia on the wall, with the rest of Spain blanked out.
    Most voters in this town will clearly say "Yes" to independence.
    What will be interesting is to see how many more moderate Catalans now share their passion.

    En mas sitios

    FRANÇA: Le Monde - Liberation

    GRAN BRETANYA: BBC - Daily Telegraph - Earthtimes

    ITÀLIA: Il Giornale - Il Corriere della sera - <A href="http://www.unita.it/notizie_flash/71068/spagna_catalogna_al_voto_per_indipendenza" target=_blank L´Unità< a>- ANSA

    SUÏSSA: Swiss info

    ALEMANYA: Jungewelt - Saz Aktuell - Planet BPM

    RÚSSIA: Belapan

    SUÈCIA: www.dn.se

    ESLOVÀQUIA: Dnes.sk
    "El nombre de España, que hoy abusivamente aplicamos al reino unido de Castilla, Aragón y Navarra, es un nombre de región, un nombre geografico, y Portugal es y será tierra española, aunque permanezca independiente por edades infinitas; es más, aunque Dios la desgaje del territorio peninsular, y la haga andar errante, como a Délos, en medio de las olas. No es posible romper los lazos de la historia y de la raza, no vuelven atrás los hechos ni se altera el curso de la civilización por divisiones políticas (siquiera eternamente), ni por voluntades humanas.
    Todavía en este siglo ha dicho Almeida-Garret, el poeta portugués por excelencia."Españoles somos y de españoles nos debemos preciar cuantos habitamos la península ibérica" .España y Portugal es tan absurdo como si dijéramos España y Catalunya. A tal extremo nos han traído los que llaman lengua española al castellano e incurren en otras aberraciones por el estilo."
    Marcelino Menéndez Pelayo.

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