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Tema: La Palma posible origen de un debastador Tsunami

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DON COSME La Palma posible origen de un... 24/11/2007, 14:04
DON COSME Re: La Palma posible origen... 24/11/2007, 14:14
Alvar Fáñez Re: La Palma posible origen... 25/11/2007, 05:00
  1. #1
    Avatar de DON COSME
    DON COSME está desconectado Miembro Respetado
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    23 sep, 06
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    La Palma posible origen de un debastador Tsunami

    Action urged over giant wave threat

    America's coast would be worst affected

    Geologists have told the UK Government that the country risks being hit by a giant wave of water that could destroy many coastal communities.
    Experts at University College London (UCL) have contacted the science minister Lord Sainsbury to warn him that a collapsing volcano in the Canary Islands could send a wall of water, hundreds of metres high, sweeping out over the Atlantic Ocean.
    Their research suggests the Caribbean and the east coast of the US would take the brunt of the devastation, but high water could also submerge large parts of the west coast of Britain.
    Although the event may not happen for thousands of years, the scientists think the government should take the issue at least as seriously as it has the possibility of the Earth being struck by a large asteroid.
    Early warning
    Last month, Lord Sainsbury took delivery of an expert report on the threat posed to our planet by so-called Near Earth Objects (NEOs). The report said the UK should lead the way in creating an early warning system to help defend the planet.

    Dr Simon Day, of Benfield Greig Hazard research Centre, UCL, says the western flank of the Cumbre Vieja volcano on La Palma is unstable and could collapse during a major eruption. This might send half a trillion tonnes of rock crashing into the sea at once.
    Modelling by colleagues in Switzerland shows that such a landslide could trigger a so-called mega-tsunami, which has an initial wave height of 650 metres (2,130 feet) and moves out over the ocean at speeds up to 720 km/h (450 mph).
    By the time such a wave crossed the Atlantic, its power would have diminished but it could still wreak havoc up to 20 kilometres (12 miles) inland.
    Smaller slides
    Dr Day and colleagues believe the event is a real possibility. Now, the Geological Society of London has told the government that contingency plans should be laid and further research ordered.

    Dr Simon Day: More research required

    Professor Bill McGuire, a colleague of Dr Day, stressed there was no immediate prospect of the Cumbre Vieja collapsing.
    "There could be five more summit eruptions before the western flank collapses,'' he said.
    Dr Doug Masson, of the Southampton Oceanography Centre, also struck a note of caution. He said the landslide might not be as catastrophic as the modelling had suggested.
    "A series of smaller landslides would cause big waves, but nothing like the scale which has been forecast,'' he said.
    Record wave
    Even so, Dr Day's team has urged Lord Sainsbury to consider the implications for Britain's coastal regions.
    Two years ago, a huge tsunami, caused by a landslide under water, submerged large parts of Papua New Guinea, killing an estimated 2,000 people.
    And in 1958, a cliff collapsed at Lituya Bay, Alaska, causing the biggest wave in recorded history
    Dr Simon Day's work is featured in a Horizon programme to be broadcast on BBC Two on Thursday, 12 October, at 2130 BST.

  2. #2
    Avatar de DON COSME
    DON COSME está desconectado Miembro Respetado
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    23 sep, 06
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    Re: La Palma posible origen de un debastador Tsunami


    La isla de La Palma , esta situada en el Oceano Atlantico frente a las costas africanas, formando parte del archipielago canario ( Espana ). Su capital es Santa Cruz de La Palma . Pertenece a la provincia de Santa Cruz de Tenerife ( Comunidad Autonoma de Canarias ). Desde 2002 , toda la isla es Reserva de la Biosfera , siendo junto con Lanzarote ] y El Hierro la tercera isla canaria a la que la UNESCO reconoce con esta proteccion. .
    Un poco mas sobre la isla

    La Palma es una isla de contrastes gracias a su desnivel, que va desde el nivel del mar ( Oceano Atlantico ) hasta los 2.426 m del Roque de los Muchachos, punto mas elevado de la isla.
    En el tercio norte de la Isla se encuentra una gran depresion de origen erosivo que forma la Caldera de Taburiente , declarada Parque Nacional en 1954 . Desde el centro de la isla hasta el sur, en la llamada Cumbre Vieja, hay una serie de volcanes entre los que se encuentran el de San Antonio, el Volcan de San Juan y el Teneguia (ultima erupcion volcanica de Canarias en 1971 ).
    Segun esta teoria, defendida por varios cientificos, una erupcion podria calentar el agua que se encuentra dentro de la Cumbre Vieja haciendo que esta explotase. En la erupcion de 1949 se pudo comprobar como se abrio una falla, lo que apoya esta teoria. En caso de cumplirse, se generaria un tsunami de proporciones gigantescas que inundaria las costas del Caribe , America del Norte , Europa y Africa . Por otro lado, otros cientificos estiman que lo que puede suceder es que la zona occidental de la isla se fragmente en partes pequenas, como ocurrio en 1949, sin llegar a generar ningun tsunami.


  3. #3
    Alvar Fáñez está desconectado Miembro novel
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    25 nov, 07
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    Re: La Palma posible origen de un debastador Tsunami

    Hay más posibilidades de que tenga lugar una catástrofe en Hawai, por ejemplo. Por cierto, corren rumores de que el individuo del documental está patrocinado por sociedades con intereses turísticos en EEUU (Hawai), y, cuasualidad, casualidad, Canarias es uno de los principales competidores turísticos de esos lares. En fin, sin comentarios

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