Harry Dexter White, el judío comunista que creo el Fondo Monetario Internacional

By AMDG on Septiembre 26th, 2009 | 1 Comment »
Dedicamos esto a quienes son tan dados a acusar de “conspiracionismo” ante cualquier alusión a la conivencia de gran capital, judaísmo racial y comunismo.
Para empezar, os dejo dos estractos de un artículo de Francismo Cabrillo:
Mucho menos conocido es, sin embargo, que el más importante de los padres de la criatura, Harry Dexter White, era un comunista convencido, con respecto al cual existen pruebas de que, en los años cuarenta, pasaba información confidencial a miembros del partido comunista norteamericano que, a su vez, la hacían llegar a la Unión Soviética. White era un alto funcionario del Tesoro de los Estados Unidos, en la administración Roosevelt, a quien se encargó que diseñara un plan de reforma del sistema monetario internacional, para ser puesto en práctica una vez terminada la Segunda Guerra Mundial. En los años finales de la contienda, nuestro personaje mantuvo largas discusiones con el representante británico, que era nada menos que John Maynard Keynes, quien había diseñado también un proyecto de reforma, que tenía algunos puntos de discrepancia con el de White. Como es sabido, el que finalmente prevaleció fue el plan norteamericano -conocido precisamente como “Plan White”- que sirvió de base a los históricos acuerdos de Bretton Woods, uno de cuyos resultados fue precisamente la creación del Fondo Monetario Internacional.

En 1999 fueron desclasificados y abiertos a los investigadores parte de los archivos secretos del KGB soviético; y en ellos se han encontrado numerosas referiencias cifradas, en las que White aparece no sólo como un informador privilegiado para la Unión Soviética, sino también como de sus activos más valiosos en los Estados Unidos. Ante la evidencia, el hecho ha pasado a ser generalmente aceptado por los especialistas en la historia económica del período de la segunda Guerra Mundial. Pero a algunas personas, especialmente en el Fondo Monetario Internacional, está conclusión no les ha gustado demasiado. Y uno de sus funcionarios, James M. Boughton, no dudó en publicar, poco después de que se hicieran públicos los nuevos datos, en las páginas de History of Political Econmy -la revista más importante, seguramente, entre las dedicadas a la historia del pensamiento económico- un artículo con un título tan expresivo como sorprendente: El caso contra Harry Dexter White: falto de pruebas.
Cabrillo deja a un lado las conexiones judías del individuo, que se pueden seguir en el artículo de la wikipedia sobre el personaje. Vamos a ver qué nos depara. Primero, es un converso (¿criptojudío?):
Harry Dexter White was born in Boston, Massachusetts, the seventh and youngest child of Jewish Lithuanian Catholic immigrants, Joseph Weit and Sarah Magilewski, who had settled in America in 1885.
Internacionalismo, multilateralismo, progresismo de la mano del gran capital:
White was a Keynesian New Deal Democrat. As head of the independently-funded Office of Monetary Research, White was able to hire staff without the normal civil service regulations or background enquiries. Some of those he hired had previously experienced security-clearance trouble in other government positions.
As a dedicated Rooseveltian internationalist, his energies were directed at continuing the Grand Alliance and maintaining peace through a liberal trade regime. He believed that powerful, multilateral institutions could avoid the mistakes of Versailles and prevent another worldwide depression. His political views were close to that of Henry A. Wallace and he was considered a progressive.
In 1934, Jacob Viner, a professor at the University of Chicago working at the Treasury Department, offered White a position at the Treasury, which he accepted. Within a few years, White met with John Maynard Keynes and other leading international economists.
After the December 1941 attack on Pearl Harbor, White was appointed assistant to Henry Morgenthau, Jr., the Secretary of the Treasury, to act as liaison between the Treasury and the State Department on all matters bearing on foreign relations. He was also made responsible for the “management and operation of the Exchange Stabilization Fund without a change in its procedures.” White eventually came to be in charge of international matters for the Treasury, with access to extensive confidential information about the economic situation of the USA and its wartime allies.
Sigue un párrafo de Morgenthau y su famoso plan para la destrucción de Alemania (que según se estima hubiera llevado a la muerte de 25 millones de alemanes) del que trataremos en más detalle en otra ocasión:
‘There is the illusion that the New Germany left after the annexations can be reduced to a ‘pastoral state’. It cannot be done unless we exterminate or move 25,000,000 people out of it.’[1]
¿25 millones?, eso es cuatro veces los famosos seis millones de víctimas del holocausto, más uno de propina
On November 7, 1945, defecting Soviet spy Elizabeth Bentley told investigators of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) that in late 1942 or early 1943 she learned from Soviet spies Nathan Gregory Silvermaster and Ludwig Ullmann that one source of the government documents they were photographing and passing on to her and NKVD spymaster Jacob Golos was Harry Dexter White.
Nathan, Jakob… Y nada les para:
On July 31, 1948 Bentley told the House Committee on Un-American Activities that White had been involved in espionage activities on behalf of Soviet Union during World War II,[18] and had passed sensitive Treasury documents to Soviet agents. Bentley said White’s colleagues passed information to her from him. In her 1953 testimony Bentley said that White was responsible for passing Treasury plates for printing Allied military marks in occupied Germany to the Soviets, who thereupon printed currency with abandon,[19] sparking a black market and serious inflation throughout the occupied country,[20] costing the U.S. a quarter of a billion dollars.
En circunstancias normales, un país que se respete así mismo ahora en la plaza pública a un traidor de esta calaña. A este le encargaron sus amigos la creación del FMI, que pasa por una idea “norteamericana”.
Otro mas:
In her 1953 testimony before Joseph McCarthy’s Senate subcommittee, she elaborated, testifying that she was following instructions from NKVD New York rezident Iskhak Abdulovich Akhmerov (who operated under the cover name “Bill”) to pass word through Ludwig Ullmann and Nathan Gregory Silvermaster for White to ‘put the pressure on for the delivery of the plates to Russia.
Esto es muy bonito:
Senator William Jenner’s Interlocking Subversion in Government Departments Investigation by the Senate Internal Security Subcommittee (SISS) looked extensively into the problem of unauthorized and uncontrolled powers exercised by non-elected officials, specifically White. Part of its report looked into the implementation of Roosevelt administration policy in China and was published as the Morgenthau Diary.[36]

The committee also heard testimony by Henry Morgenthau’s speechwriter, Jonathan Mitchell, that White had tried to persuade him that the Soviets had developed a system that would supplant capitalism and Christianity.
¿Funcionarios no electos ejerciendo funciones no autorizadas sin control? ¿Plan para destruir la Cristiandad? ¿Conspiracionismo?.
Another example of White acting as an agent of inflence for the Soviet Union was his obstruction of a proposed $200 million loan to Nationalist China in 1943, which he had been officially instructed to execute, at a time when inflation was spiraling out of control.
Es decir también contribuyó al triunfo de Mao en China.
Y sin embargo, acaban limpiándole el expediente, diciendo que no fue traidor.
White’s family still protests his innocence. Stephen C. Schlesinger writes: ‘Among historians, the verdict about White is still unresolved, but many incline toward the view that he wanted to help the Russians but did not regard the actions he took as constituting espionage.
En realidad tiene razón, no fue un traidor. Dexter trabajó lealmente para “los suyos”.
Para rematarla:
‘A combination of naivity, superficiality and supreme confidence in his own judgement - together with his background - explains the course of action White took.
De chiste, dice que todo se debió a su candidez, superficialidad, y exceso de confianza en sí mismo. Ja, Ja, Ja.
There is no question of treachery, in the accepted sense of betraying one’s country’s secrets to an enemy. But there can be no doubt that, in passing classified information to the Soviets, White knew he was betraying his trust, even if he did not thereby think he was betraying his country’
Lo dicho.

Categories: Historia, Noticias sorprendentes
Tags: comunismo, Harry Dexter White, judíos progres