According to the narrative of some authors there was about this time within one which is called Nanconwy a man who was called Morfryn. But others show this was Morfryn Frych, prince of Gwynedd, - which he could not be according to the tenor of his songs. Nevertheless the writing shows that a man of this name had a son who was called Mryddin son of Morfryn, and a daughter who was called Gwenddydd as the story shows, the son was unstable in his senses; for at one time he would be witless and out of mind and reason, and at another time he would be in his mind at which time he would be wise and discreet and prompt in his answers and good counsels concerning everything that would be asked of him. To him God had given the of prophecy, which prophecies he would declare in poetry in metre, when he wool in his mind, and especially to Gwenddydd his sister, who, as my copy shows, was wise and learned [and] who wrote a great book of his utterances, especially about prophecies as related to this island. Some of these follow hereafter in this vein although there is hardly any profitable meaning to be gathered from any of them. nevertheless, in order to ward off sloth, with God's help I will write down all that I have been able to see in writing. |