Re: Catholic Universality and Pagan Internationalism.
Interesting article. I don't know how this opinion would go according to the thread but I would like to express it, respectfully. I favor the union of all Christians but what I don't like is the type of ecumenism that wants to conciliate the Christian faith with other doctrines that are not Christian. I honestly don't see that that type of ecumenism would benefit the church. What I've read is that there is a type of ecumenism that wants to conciliate non-Christian doctrines with the Christian faith. We could pray and preach the Gospel to the people that don't know Christ and to the people that have a different religion but not to try to conciliate our faith and principles with their religion.
God bless you, dear Annuit Coeptis.
La Iglesia es el poder supremo en lo espiritual, como el Estado lo es en el temporal.
Antonio Aparisi