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Tema: Rusia mueve piezas: Transniester

  1. #1
    Avatar de Paco
    Paco está desconectado Miembro Respetado
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    27 mar, 05
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    Rusia mueve piezas: Transniester

    Este fin de semana se celebrará un referendum en la autoproclamada Republica del Transniester en el que se preguntará a los electores sobre la ratificación de su independencia de facto y su posible unión con Rusia.

    Tras el desplome sovietico las distintas republicas que componian la URSS proclaman su independencia, entre ellas la de Moldavia. Sin embargo dentro de ella los territorios al este de la misma hacen lo propio ante el pasmo del soviet de la nueva república independiente. Este territorio contaba con la peculiaridad de que en su interior estaban establecidas grandes contingentes de unidades del ejercito rojo y una población mayoritaria de rusos y ucranianos quedando los moldavo-rumanos en minoria. Llegado a este punto el nuevo estado moldavo pierde totalmente el control del transniester y este territorio rebelde comienza a crear todas las estructuras estatales, funcionando en la actualidad como un pais independiente de facto, aunque sin ningún reconocimiento internacional.

    El referendum de este fin de semana hay que verlo dentro de una serie de movimientos rusos que son la contestación a la estrategia de la OTAN de erosionar su espacio de influencia y arrinconar y destruir al pueblo ruso. Los últimos aconticimientos de esta estrategia es la toma del poder en Ucrania por los prooccidentales (la famosa revolución Naranja), el intento fallido de hacer lo mismo en Bielorusia y el continuo golpeo de la guerrila wannabita en Chechenia. Si el objetivo último de los proccidentales y sus valedores en Ucrania es incorporar al pais a la UE y a la OTAN, el posible establecimiento de un estado o la incorporación a la misma Rusia del Transniester colocaría en la retaguardia ucraniana una cabeza de puente rusa. Se trata de un claro aviso al gobierno proyankeeeuropeo de Kiev.

    Para que queda claro de por donde van los tiros esta semana ha estado en el Transniester haciendo campaña diputados de la Duma rusa, el conocido Zhirinosskvi que aprovecho su estancia para abrir la delegación de su partido, y lo mas significativo los dirigentes del Partido de las Regiones de ucrania, los perdedores de la "revolución naranja", pero que controlan de facto el tercio oriental del pais, y que se caracterizan por sus ideas prorusas y antieuropeas. Rusos y ucranianos tratan de movilizar a sus gentes en el Transniester. Y dato importanto, ha empezado la coordinación y la unidad de acción de distintas fuerzas patrióticas antieuropeas en Rusia, Ucrania y Bielorrusia.

    Primer acto este fin de semana, en Noviembre el siguiente en Osetia del Sur....

    Aqui una página de propaganda y autobombo del "nuevo" estado europeo en ciernes:


  2. #2
    Avatar de Erasmus
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    Thumbs down Re: Rusia mueve piezas: Transniester

    Parece que el separatismo está de moda; abrí un thread sobre el tema en Stirpes y quedé asombrado con las votaciones y las respuestas; ¡hasta hay votos para el Alaska Independence Party!

    A propósito, una Rusia desintegrada deja a Europa a merced de los chinos, ¡Dios nos libre y nos guarde!

    Imperium Hispaniae

    "En el imperio se ofrece y se comparte cultura, conocimiento y espiritualidad. En el imperialismo solo sometimiento y dominio económico-militar. Defendemos el IMPERIO, nos alejamos de todos los IMPERIALISMOS."

  3. #3
    Avatar de Paco
    Paco está desconectado Miembro Respetado
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    27 mar, 05
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    Re: Rusia mueve piezas: Transniester

    Libros antiguos y de colección en IberLibro
    97% a favor de la Independencia y de la asociación con Rusia

    Landslide win for independence vote in Pridnestrovie's referendum

    http://www.tiraspoltimes.com/images/greybull.gif97% of Pridnestrovie's voters support independence and just 3% want a future within Moldova. Voter turnout broke new records for the unrecognized republic as citizens wanted to let their voice be heard. Victory celebrations are sweeping the capital city of Tiraspol.

    By Times staff, 18/Sep/2006

    TIRASPOL (Tiraspol Times) - Flagwaving voters celebrated in the streets of Tiraspol, the capital of Pridnestrovie, on Monday, as the first results were announced from the independence referendum held on 17 September.

    Turnout in Sunday's vote broke new records. Initially, when polls were closed, authorities estimated it at 77.6%, but when the final count was announced, the figure had grown by 1% to a record-breaking 78.6%. In all, almost 306,000 registered voters massed at 262 polling stations throughout the length of the country to let their voice be heard.
    Two separate questions were put to a vote:

    1. Do you support the course towards the independence of the PMR and a subsequent free association with the Russian Federation?

    2. Do you consider it possible to renounce the PMR's independent status and subsequently become part of the Republic of Moldova?

    The first, on independence, passed with 97.1% in favor, 2.3% against, and 0.6% invalid or undecided.

    The second, on throwing in the towel and accepting Moldova's territorial claim, was rejected by 94.6% of voters, accepted by 3.4%, and saw a rate of 2% either invalid or undecided.

    http://www.tiraspoltimes.com/images/redbull.gifIn favor of independence, voters in Pridnestrovie have chosen freedom and solidly rejected the outside rule of Moldova.

    The results closely match previously published exit polls conducted by the "Echo Moscow" radio station and by a number of independent political parties. They are also in line with expectations and prior opinion polls conducted among the strongly independent-minded people who consider Moldova a foreign oppressor. Moldova has seen increased corruption under its Communist-led government and is officially the poorest country in Europe, with a GDP on par with Sudan. Pridnestrovie, also known as Transnistria, is historically separate from Moldova and has never at any time in history been part of an independent Moldova.

    " - Pridnestrovie is our land and no one should interfere," said Eduard Maican, the leader of a Veterans' organization.

    After a formal declaration of independence in 1990, the small country has been de facto independent for the past 16 years. It has its own elected president, its own parliament and its own currency.

    Free and fair vote, say observers
    A total of 174 international election observers and 215 journalists participated in the referendum, with not a single report of fraud or any irregular occurences of any kind whatsoever having been filed with the Central Election Commission as of Monday, 11:00 a.m.
    An Italian observer delegation led by Dr. Stefano Vernole told journalists that “the voting process was held at a high level, in accordance with democratic principles. If the EU countries do not recognize the referendum, they do not recognize democracy.”

    The lack of willingness by some in the international community to recognize the referendum as a basic expression of the will of the people was seen as hypocrisy and an example of double standards. 130 observers from non-government organizations in Europe, out of a total of 174, called this position “a policy of double standards” in a joint news conference where the emphasized that their monitoring took place “very objectively, openly, justly and without any bias, on the basis of generally recognized standards”.

    Despite the endorsement by international election observers, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) said well in advance of the vote that it would be neither free nor fair, and should not be recognized. It refused to send OSCE observers.

    This reaction raised eyebrows in New York, with political analyst Mike Averko wanting to know "How can the OSCE make such a declaration when it didn't send any monitors?" It also provoked surprise in Tiraspol, where a leading NGO held that "OSCE undermines democracy by passing premature judgment."[link]

    In contrast to the clean and transparent referendum in Pridnestrovie, the OSCE rubberstamped a somewhat dubiously orchestrated referendum in Montenegro which declared independence earlier this year and is today the newest member of the United Nations.

    Arriving from Chisinau, Val Klimenko, chairman of the Moldovan-based Congress of Russian Communities, CRC, commented at a press conference in Tiraspol on the work of the CRC representatives as observers at the Pridnestrovie's referendum polling stations.

    “ - Our observers work in the towns of Rybnitsa, Dubossary, Grigoriopol, and Tiraspol. The Council’s employees have substantial experience of participating in numerous election campaigns, and we are glad to state that this referendum is being held according to the international standards,” Klimenko said.

    The representatives worked according to rules of referendum monitoring worked out at a joint conference of independent observers at the International Press Center on September 16 which follow 2005 standards by the United Nations.
    Referendum indicated by Council of Europe as conflict settlement solutionWhile the outside world still refers to Pridnestrovie as a "frozen conflict", due to an unresolved territorial claim by Moldova, voters in the streets of Tiraspol are quick to say that the conflict has now been solved ... if only the world will give democracy a chance.

    "- We should have done this a long time ago," said Larisa Lanka, 55, after voting in Tiraspol's city center.

    "- If this referendum doesn't change anything, the disappointment will be enormous," she said, tears welling.

    Settlement and conflict resolution is is easy when the voice of the people is taken into account, says a former politician in the region, and Pridnestrovie's position is to let the people decide. This is done by having a peaceful, democratic, free and fair election where a simple question is put the people: "Do you want to keep living in a sovereign, independent Pridnestrovie? Or do you want the Pridnestrovie to become part of Moldova?"

    " - That was how Pridnestrovie was founded. At several times throughout the republic, the fate of the country has been put to a vote. We have never been afraid to do it again. Moldova, of course, is afraid because they already know the answer. But that's democracy: You let the people decide, even if you don't like what they decide or even if their decisions don't line your pockets."

    Pridnestrovie always proposed an easy, simple solution for settling relations with Moldova: A referendum. Let it be as free, fair and transparent as absolutely possible. Have it be supervised and observed by hundreds of journalists and international election observers from all over the world. Then count the votes and respect the result of the people who were born here, live here, and want to die here.

    http://www.tiraspoltimes.com/images/redbull.gifHolding Pridnestrovie's red and green flag high, happy voters celebrate in the streets of the capital, Tiraspol.

    This proposal is in line with similar pronouncements by the Council of Europe. On 16 September 2005, referring to the settlement of the Pridnestrovie's final status, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe noted that that "any solution must accord with the popular will as expressed in fully free and democratic elections."
    Which is the reason why, says pro-independence voter Lucia Buju, she and her friends are celebrating in the streets of Tiraspol today.

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    Última edición por Paco; 19/09/2006 a las 14:27

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