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Tema: Inglaterra se siente intimidada por Argentina

  1. #1
    Valderrábano está desconectado Proscrito
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    26 abr, 13
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    Inglaterra se siente intimidada por Argentina

    Argentina acusada de intimidación después de obligar a un buque de pasajeros británico a arriar la bandera inglesa. Argentina accused of intimidation after British cruise ship in South America is ordered to lower red ensign | Mail Online Argentina accused of intimidation after British cruise ship in South America is ordered to lower red ensign * Argentina's largest region has banned all UK ships from docking in Buenos Aires if they are flying the 'red duster' flag * Cruise liner the Queen Victoria was threatened with a fine if it did not lower the flag, which is flown by all non-military British ships * Admiral Lord West of Spithead, who served in the Falklands War, was on board and accused the South American country of 'flexing its muscles' By Lizzie Parry PUBLISHED: 20:48 GMT, 12 February 2014 | UPDATED: 21:54 GMT, 12 February 2014 * * * * 193 shares 180 View comments Admiral Lord West of Spithead was on board a cruise liner when the captain told him they had been threatened with a fine, if they did not lower the red ensign +4 Admiral Lord West of Spithead was on board a cruise liner when the captain told him they had been threatened with a fine, if they did not lower the red ensign A former First Sea Lord who served in the Falklands War has today accused Argentina of 'flexing its muscles', by banning all non-military British ships flying the 'red duster' flag. Originating in the 17th century, the red ensign was flown by all Royal Navy vessels. But later it became the civil ensign for the United Kingdom. Admiral Lord West of Spithead, who was at the helm of his frigate HMS Ardent when it was bombed and sunk during the Falklands war, was on a cruise earlier this month, when he learned of new laws imposed by the Argentinians. He told Channel 4 news he was a passenger on Cunard's liner, the Queen Victoria cruise ship earlier this month when he discovered his old enemy had been 'flexing their muscles'. He said while dining with the captain one night, she told how she had been threatened with a fine of $10,000, and warned 'there would be trouble', if she didn't take down the red flag. The red duster, as it is known, is flown by all British non-military ships. But Argentina's largest region has passed a law banning vessels flying the flag from docking in Buenos Aires. 'I think it’s an insult – it’s an insult to the nation,' Admiral West said, describing the provincial law as 'atrocious'. The law is believed to apply only to ships that have travelled to the Falklands. As such, the Queen Victoria, should not have fallen foul of the new rule. More... * RAF grounds all Voyager planes after one aircraft plummets several thousand feet during flight to Afghanistan A Foreign Office spokesman said: 'We condemn any attempts by the Argentine authorities to unnecessarily interfere with the legitimate transit of UK-flagged vessels…This appears to be another example of unacceptable harassment and intimidation…We are urgently discussing the matter with Carnival UK [Cunard's parent company] and will raise this with the Argentine authorities.' Argentina's president Cristina Fernández de Kirchner stoked tensions with Britain when she called for David Cameron to hand the Falklands back to her country. Admiral West - a Labour peer - said he plans to ask questions in parliament about the latest diplomatic incident. Admiral West accused Argentina of 'flexing its muscles' after the country's largest region banned British ships bearing the 'red duster' flag from docking in Buenos Aires +4 Admiral West accused Argentina of 'flexing its muscles' after the country's largest region banned British ships bearing the 'red duster' flag from docking in Buenos Aires
    Última edición por Valderrábano; 13/02/2014 a las 21:55

  2. #2
    Avatar de Adriano
    Adriano está desconectado Miembro Respetado
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    05 mar, 13
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    Re: Inglaterra se siente intimidada por Argentina

    Es un chiste que la potencia nuclear colonizadora de Gran Bretaña se haga ahora la víctima, cuando son los Eurofighter británicos los que apuntan a Argentina desde las Malvinas.

  3. #3
    Avatar de Erasmus
    Erasmus está desconectado Socio vitalicio
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    03 ene, 06
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    Re: Inglaterra se siente intimidada por Argentina

    Y mientras obligan a un crucero británico a bajar su bandera en el puerto de Buenos Aires, sustituyen la bandera de San Jorge en Reino Unido para no ofender a los musulmanes:

    Un pueblo ha votado No, a enarbolar la bandera de San Jorge por ofender a los musulmanes. Radstock en Somerset, tiene una población de 5620 habitantes, 16 de ellos, según datos del censo, son musulmanes. Pero un consejero de Trabajo dijo que la cruz roja y la bandera blanca podrían molestar a los musulmanes a causa de sus vínculos con las Cruzadas. Eleanor Jackson, un profesor universitario, dijo: "Mi gran problema es que es ofensivo para algunos musulmanes, pero aún más que ha sido secuestrado por la extrema derecha".

    Los propios musulmanes han críticado esta decisión cuando en realidad no es ofensiva para ellos. Ellos afirman ser gente normal, y que como residentes en el Reino Unido, se identifican también con sus símbolos. Los propios ingleses están sufriendo una histeria genocida anti-inglesa para agradar a todos los extranjeros, hasta el extremo de cambiar sus símbolos y tradiciones, perdiendo así su identidad.

    Imperium Hispaniae

    "En el imperio se ofrece y se comparte cultura, conocimiento y espiritualidad. En el imperialismo solo sometimiento y dominio económico-militar. Defendemos el IMPERIO, nos alejamos de todos los IMPERIALISMOS."

  4. #4
    Valderrábano está desconectado Proscrito
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    26 abr, 13
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    Re: Inglaterra se siente intimidada por Argentina

    Libros antiguos y de colección en IberLibro
    Argentina acusada de intimidación después de que a un crucero británico se le ordenase arriar la bandera británica. La región más grande de Argentina ha prohibido a todos los buques del Reino Unido atraquen en Buenos Aires si están enarbolando la "Red Duster". El crucero Queen Victoria fue amenazado con una multa si no bajaba la bandera, la cual es enarbolada por todos los barcos británicos no militares. El almirante Lord West of Spithead , que sirvió en la guerra de Malvinas , se encontraba a bordo y acusó al país sudamericano de "exhibir sus músculos"

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