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Tema: Translation Requested

  1. #1
    Avatar de Alejandro O'Reilly
    Alejandro O'Reilly está desconectado Miembro graduado
    Fecha de ingreso
    25 mar, 05
    Isla Sacra
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    Question Translation Requested

    My apologies for writing this in English (it's a bad habit of mine ) but I was wondering if someone could translate something I found which I assume is written in Galego? It would be much appreciated if someone could help or at least just give me the general idea of what is being said

    Criaçom dum foro nacionalista galaico
    Bom dia a todos,

    Meu alcume é “Patriota Galaico”. Sou umha persoa que amo á minha terra.
    Dai-me 5 minutos do vosso tempo para vos fazer umha proposta. Nom pretendo dizer a ninguém o que tem que fazer. Nom pretendo impór a minha vontade sobre nengúm outro compatriota. Somente desejo fazer umha proposta a toda a gente que ame o nosso país.
    Obrigado pola vossa atençom.


    1) Por que criar um ‘novo’ forum nacionalista galaico?

    >> Há cada vez mais gente nas Gallaecias do norte e do sul que compartem o ideário da reunificaçom nacional galaica e da criaçom dum Estado nacional, galaico, próspero, e independente do parasitismo da Ibéria mediterránea e da Lusitánia moçárabe.
    >> Há cada vez mais gente nas Gallaecias do norte e do sul que estám preocupadas polo aceleramento da colonizaçom cultural, política, e humana exercida desde Madrid e Lisboa. A este processo de aculturizaçom há que engadir a pressom demográfica que exercem os milheiros de emigrantes de culturas africanas ou latino-indias em Gallaecia, que nom querem integrar-se ou som culturalmente incompatíveis com a cultura galaica. Há cada vez mais gente nas Gallaecias do norte e do sul que pensam que a nossa cultura galaica está em perigo real de desapariçom.
    >> Há cada vez mais gente nas Gallaecias do norte e do sul que botam em falta um lugar de encontro onde compartir ideias, organizar iniciativas, aprender cousas novas, ou simplesmente encontrar outros compatriotas com os que ‘falar’ e passar um tempo em boa companhia.

    Cada vez há mais gente na Gallaecia que comparte estas opinioes e que desejaria participar num foro nacionalista galaico. Mais importante ainda é que há muita mais gente que está aberta ás nossas opinioes e patriotismo, mas que carece de formaçom e de guia. Um forum nacionalista galaico no internet vai servir para atraer a mais gente ao nosso ideário, vai ser como umha biblioteca aberta 24h/7d onde a gente se poda educar. Nós somos patriotas galaicos e a nossa intençom é criar a umha nova geraçom de patriotas galaicos. É preciso criar umha ‘casa’/forum dos patriotas galaicos que seja atrativa, atraente, que funcione bem, que seja organizada, e que serva como ferramenta ao serviço do nosso patriotismo galaico.

    2) Que tipo de forum nacionalista galaico tenho na mente?

    Visitei há pouco o forum do nosso país irmao www.irish-nationalism.net. Visitai-o. Vou basear toda a minha proposta tomando como exemplo este website porque irish-nationalism.net define perfeitamente todas as caraterísticas que tinha na mente e considero importante:
    a) Mensagen clara, direita, expressa: ‘Irish Nationalism’, num domínio internet de seu = seriedade.
    b) Presentaçom gráfica elegante, patriótica, gente séria, inspira confiança no projeto.
    c) Software vBulletin, rápido, versátil, eficaz, moderno.
    d) Conteúdos organizados por temas, eficiente, util, informativo.

    Em base a isto faço a proposta de criarmos um forum galaico, tomando como exemplo todo o que vejamos de positivo no forum do nosso país irmao www.irish-nationalism.net. Podo-vos assegurar que o administrador de irish-nationalism.net, Milesian, estará disposto a nos ajudar em todo o soporte técnico e conselhos que precisemos.

    3) Como seria esse novo forum nacionalista galaico que proponho, desde um ponto de vista técnico?

    Devemos discuti-lo para juntar ideias entre todos. A minha primeira proposta é:
    a) Um domínio claro, direito, e sério: www.nacionalismo-galaico.net, www.patriotas-galaicos.net…
    b) Presentaçom gráfica elegante, séria e patriótica. As cores do website devem ser cores nacionais galaicas:
    - Azul e branco (bandeira da Galiza atual, bandeira medieval do Condado e logo Reino de Portu-Gall cando Portu-Gall era ainda o território galaico-bracarense).
    – Azul e amarelo (azul polas bandeiras da Galiza atual, da bandeira medieval do Portu-Gall galaico-bracarense, da bandeira histórica do Reino da Galiza. Amarelo pola bandeira da nossa respeitada e histórica Casa Real Sueva do Reino da Gallaecia, e polo Santo Graal do Reino da Galiza).
    – Deve também aparezer a imagem da Gallaecia unificada, em verde, p.ex. foto satélite.
    c) Temos excelentes soluçoes de software freeware para forums en SMF (simplemachines.org). Mesmo se podem fazer excelentes forums com phpbb.
    d) Conteudos organizados por temas, como em irish-nationalism, para faze-lo eficiente, util, informativo.

    3) Como seria esse novo forum nacionalista galaico que proponho, desde um ponto de vista ideológico?

    Devemos discuti-lo entre todos. Esta é a minha proposta. Espero ler as vossas.

    Muitos de vós visitades Vieiros.com, porque é por desgraça o único forum de alta participaçom no que nos podemos encontrar. Aló veredes como os esquerdistas e comunistas estám luitando e insultando-se todo o tempo entre eles. Nós, os patriotas galaicos somos e devemos ser melhor que os comunistas e roxos. Devemos trabalhar polo que nos une, a nossa naçom Gallaecia. Haberá entre nós diferéncias de interpretaçom principalmente no tema racial. Dacordo. Mas sempre devemos lembrar que somos galaicos e que o que realmente nos une é o amor pola nossa naçom Gallaecia. Isto deve ser sempre o mais importante para nós.

    >> Sobre máximos e mínimos. Qual deve ser a linha ‘oficial’ do forum de nacionalistas galaicos?
    Outravolta, irish-nationalism.com é um exemplo a seguir. O website declara ambiguamente ‘estar pola defesa dos interesses gaélicos’. Logo, ao entrarmos no forum, podemos detectar claramente as ‘sensibilidades’ dos diferentes participantes no forum. A gente faz o forum. Vai ser o nosso forum e o de todos os galaicos nacionalistas pola reunificaçom nacional e a preservaçom da nossa cultura. Penso que, como bons galaicos, podemos fazer a declaraçom de intençoes do forum um pouco ambigua também, simplesmente ‘pola defesa dos interesses galaicos’, sem subir nem baixar as escaleiras. Nós sabemos quem somos e o que queremos.

    >> Seguridade, dentro do cadro da lei
    O que nos deve diferenciar dos comunistas é que eles som estúpidos e nós nom. Eles cometem um delito e logo o publicam no seu website com fotos. Som tam idiotas que lhe aforran todo o trabalho de investigaçom á polícia.
    Defender a reunificaçom da Gallaecia nom está contra as leis de Madrid ou Lisboa, entra dentro da liberdade de expressom. Defender delitos ou ameaçar a persoas pode ser utilizado polo estado ibérico ou lusitano como excusa para fechar um website. Devemos ser inteligentes e nom atravessar em público a raia da legalidade. A nós interessa-nos que o website esteja visível e accesível para que podamos espalhar e publicitar 24h/7d o nosso ideário. Essa é a nossa verdadeira vitória. Por esta raçom, será preciso um ou vários moderadores, igual que em irish-nationalism.net ou stormfront.org.

    >> Sobre celtismo e germanismo
    A seguinte é a minha opiniom. Outros teredes outras. Eu respeito as vossas opinioes. Esta é a minha:
    O nosso país é umha naçom celta. O nosso nome, Gallaecia, significa ‘Pequena Galia’, ou ‘pequeno país dos celtas (a ‘Galia’ era o ‘país dos celtas’, de Gallus = celta). Nem romanos mediterráneos, nem casteláns ibéricos, nem lusitanos moçárabes puderom nos fazer esquecer quem somos. Eles forom e som considerados invasores estrangeiros. A única excepçom som os Suevos. Eles, chegarom para integrar-se na nossa sociedade galaica, aprender a nossa cultura, fazer-se galaicos, e trabalhar pola criaçom do primeiro Estado galaico unificado. Por isso, merecem toda a nossa honra e devemos venerar a sua memoria.
    Eu morei cinco anos da minha vida na 'Mitteleuropa' de Vicente Risco. Penso que conheço bem a mentalidade germánica. Respeito-os como povo, mas somos culturas diferentes. O nosso geito de pensar e de entender o mundo é diferente. Somos europeios, si. Somos brancos, si. Mas culturalmente somos diferentes. Nós somos celtogalaicos, com a nossa idiosincrásia atlántica, e eu sou nacionalista celtogalaico, porque a minha idiosincrásia é atlántica. Outravolta, irish-nationalism.net define-o bem: ‘somos nacionalistas gaélicos, Irlanda é o nosso país, somos alheios a teorias homogeneizadoras como o pan-arianismo, etc. Eu sou nacionalista galaico e celta. Em princípio, a mim importa-me um caralho a Eslováquia, Luxemburgo, ou Catalunha. Eu estou orgulhoso dos nossos devandeiros suevos, por integraren-se na nossa cultura e por trabalharem polo país, mas penso que celtismo e germanismo som duas culturas diferentes. Por isso, antes que berrar ‘Sig Heil’, berrarei antes ‘Gallaecia go bragh’ ou ‘Gallaecia Ceive!”, por que sou um celta de Gallaecia. Proponho que, traducindo o texto de irish-nationalism, o forum galaico se defina exclusivamente como ‘nacionalista galaico’.

    >> Nacionalismo galaico e internacionalismo
    A seguinte é a minha opiniom. Outros teredes outras. Esta é a minha:
    Gallaecia é a derradeira cultura céltica na Europa meridional, num espaço cultural que abrangue o ‘Mar Atlántico’ desde Escócia até o nosso país. Isso é precisamente o que nos faz diferentes dos nossos vizinhos e invasores. A nossa esséncia nacional nom está no Al-Garbh africano nem no Cartago fenício. A nossa esséncia nacional está em Gallaecia, mas também em Irlanda, Gales, Cornualha e Bretanha. Básicamente, estamos arrodeados de mouraria. Fóra de Gallaecia, estamos arrodeados dumha cultura mestiça ibero-arábica. Já o diziam os escandinavos: na península há Jakobsland e Spán. Já o diziam os normandos: na península há Galizur e Spann. Já o diziam os galaicos: na península estamos nós e estám os mouros. Já o diziam também os proprios ibero-lusitanos-árabes da época: na península estamos nós e estám os galaicos.
    Hoje, a Gallaecia está a ser contaminada culturalmente e povoacionalmente por umha cultura mestiça ibero-arábica: touradas, flamenco e fado, sol y playa y sangria... Esta cultura é a cultura própria da histórica Spán. Desde o jolgorrio fenicio e lolailo da Tarraconensis ibera-fenícia-mediterránea até o deserto africano do Al-entejo e Al-andalus.
    Considero que é urgente reorientar as nossas relaçoes internacionais. Precisamos toda a ajuda possível. Entre as seçoes do website, deveria haber umha seçom em inglés (esperanto do nosso século) para que outros nacionalistas celtas nos pudesem visitar e falar com nós. Deixai que os comunistas perdam o tempo falando de ‘irmandades’ entre os povos íberos... Nós nom devemos perder o nosso tempo em relaçoes com a cultura inimiga mestiça ibero-árabe. Somos gente tolerante. Nom devemos ter nada contra eles. Eles estam bem no seu país. Simplesmente, o nosso tempo é ouro. Devemos esquecer de pensar em clave colonial ‘ibérica’ e começar a pensar em clave galaica, celta e atlántica. As nossas relaçoes internacionais devem priorizar-se cara o espaço cultural ao que naturalmente pertencemos, nom cara ao que o coloniçador ibérico nos quere fazer pertencer.

    Termino e obrigado polo vosso tempo.
    Desejo com todo o meu coraçom que esta proposa ache interesse entre vós.

    Espero as vossas opinioes. Entre todos, um pouco cada um, podemos faze-lo.
    Fagámo-lo. Daremos um grande serviço á nossa naçom.

    Vós sodes dos cíngaros
    Dos rudos iberos,
    Dos vagos xitanos,
    Da xente do inferno;
    Dos godos,dos mouros
    E alarbios;qu'inda
    Vos leven os demos.
    Nós somos dos galos,
    Nós somos dos suevos,
    Nós somos dos francos,
    Romanos e gregos.
    Nós somos dos celtas,
    Nós somos galegos”

    Eduardo Pondal, “Da Raza”
    Bardo nacional de Gallaecia

    Obrigado polo vosso tempo
    “Patriota Galaico”

  2. #2
    Avatar de Donoso
    Donoso está desconectado Technica Impendi Nationi
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    06 mar, 05
    Bellatrix Castilla
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    Re: Translation Requested

    Hello Milesian, glad to see you here.
    The text is wrote in portuguese. It propose the creation of a nationalist and separatist forum for people of Northern Portugal and Galicia (the people of this lands are "galaicos", members of the same nation, for the writer), it said that Irish Nationalism is a technical example of what he wants. The ideological orientation is:
    1) anti left-wing ideologies.
    2) antiimmigration.
    2)"galaicos" are whites and europeans, southern portuguese and spaniards are filthy mongrels.
    3) "galaicos" are not culturally related with southern portuguese and spaniards, who has semitic and ridiculous culture.
    4) It has no mention to religion
    5) Celtism and germanism as basis of the "galaic" nationalism

    The style (Combatent-style )of the text reminds me a well-known galician nutzi, expert on cyberfight.
    The text speaks about you as friend and colaborator of the project.

    Where do you found this freak?
    Aquí corresponde hablar de aquella horrible y nunca bastante execrada y detestable libertad de la prensa, [...] la cual tienen algunos el atrevimiento de pedir y promover con gran clamoreo. Nos horrorizamos, Venerables Hermanos, al considerar cuánta extravagancia de doctrinas, o mejor, cuán estupenda monstruosidad de errores se difunden y siembran en todas partes por medio de innumerable muchedumbre de libros, opúsculos y escritos pequeños en verdad por razón del tamaño, pero grandes por su enormísima maldad, de los cuales vemos no sin muchas lágrimas que sale la maldición y que inunda toda la faz de la tierra.

    Encíclica Mirari Vos, Gregorio XVI

  3. #3
    Avatar de Gonzalo
    Gonzalo está desconectado Miembro graduado
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    25 oct, 05
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    Re: Translation Requested

    Dear Alejandro:

    My english is not so better than you spanish , nevertheless there are many Gallicians here and they must have the honor to answer you , but I think that the text is full of mad ideas.

    On the other side ,I would like to demmand you some information, let me tell you my wife has an Irish surname , her great-grand parents came to Spain In the XVIII century , with thousand of Irish to fight in the Spanish Army , against England , they were the lasts-one of the rebels irish in arms.

    Most of them arrive to the South to the Imperial Ports of Seville and Cádiz ,and a few to Galicia.

    they were complete Units , "regimientos" of the Spanish Marines , the irihs regiments wore a special blue jackets , "Irish blue" differents from the spanish militar jacket ,red and white ,and their courage were really Known for all.

    have you got some information about this unit? , they were something like ,special-force and his blood still alive in many places of the southern Spain; kingdom of Seville and Granada.

    Sincerly yours,and sorry for my english

    Gonzalo Revenga.

  4. #4
    Avatar de Alejandro O'Reilly
    Alejandro O'Reilly está desconectado Miembro graduado
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    25 mar, 05
    Isla Sacra
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    Re: Translation Requested

    Cita Iniciado por Donoso
    Hello Milesian, glad to see you here.
    The pleasure is all mine :thumbsup

    The text is wrote in portuguese. It propose the creation of a nationalist and separatist forum for people of Northern Portugal and Galicia (the people of this lands are "galaicos", members of the same nation, for the writer), it said that Irish Nationalism is a technical example of what he wants.
    Seperatist as in independence from Spain and Portugal?

    The ideological orientation is:
    2)"galaicos" are whites and europeans, southern portuguese and spaniards are filthy mongrels.

    3) "galaicos" are not culturally related with southern portuguese and spaniards, who has semitic and ridiculous culture.

    4) It has no mention to religion

    5) Celtism and germanism as basis of the "galaic" nationalism
    Well I understand a respect for the Celtic heritage, but it is more than that. As for Germanicism......bah!

    The style (Combatent-style )of the text reminds me a well-known galician nutzi, expert on cyberfight.
    Combatent? I hope not!

    The text speaks about you as friend and colaborator of the project.
    That is strange, as I have no knowledge of any such thing

    Where do you found this freak?
    I found him through a Google search. Once I am on my home PC, I will try and post the link

  5. #5
    Avatar de Alejandro O'Reilly
    Alejandro O'Reilly está desconectado Miembro graduado
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    25 mar, 05
    Isla Sacra
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    Re: Translation Requested

    Cita Iniciado por Gonzalo
    Dear Alejandro:

    My english is not so better than you spanish , nevertheless there are many Gallicians here and they must have the honor to answer you , but I think that the text is full of mad ideas.
    Your English is commendable, but even still there is no shame in having bad English. I would prefer not to use it myself if possible, it is only a necessity. There is an Irish saying - "Is fearr Gaeilge briste na Bearla cliste" which translates as "Even broken Irish is better than clever English"

    On the other side ,I would like to demmand you some information, let me tell you my wife has an Irish surname , her great-grand parents came to Spain In the XVIII century , with thousand of Irish to fight in the Spanish Army , against England , they were the lasts-one of the rebels irish in arms.

    Most of them arrive to the South to the Imperial Ports of Seville and Cádiz ,and a few to Galicia.

    they were complete Units , "regimientos" of the Spanish Marines , the irihs regiments wore a special blue jackets , "Irish blue" differents from the spanish militar jacket ,red and white ,and their courage were really Known for all.

    have you got some information about this unit? , they were something like ,special-force and his blood still alive in many places of the southern Spain; kingdom of Seville and Granada.

    Sincerly yours,and sorry for my english

    Gonzalo Revenga.
    That is some interesting history. I hope you don't mind me asking but what is your wife's name? I could hopefully give you some information on her family history.

    As for this unit with blue jackets, I will have to look into that.
    there were thousands of Irish who served in the army of Spain starting from the XVI century. These Irish were all known as the "Wild Geese" and they left Ireland after they were defeated at the Battle of Kinsale (where Irishmen and Spaniards fought side by side against the English). The Earl of Tirconnell (The O'Donnell chieftain) and the Earl of Tyrone (The O'Neill cheiftain) left with their forces and sailed to Spain to live in exile.
    This is an important event in Irish history and is remembered in many songs and poems. Later, in 1691 the Irish forces of the Catholic King James II were finally defeated by the Dutch Protestant usurper, King William of Orange. At the Treaty of Limerick, the Irish forces finally surrendered after weeks of resisting their inevitable capture. In return, they were allowed to either serve in William's new English army or leave with James II for France. Almost every man decided to leave, most went to France with their King. But many also remembered that it was in Spain that the great chiefs O'Donnell and O'Neill had went and had been welcomed by the Spanish. They left to fight for Spain instead, and for centuries after there were thousands who left to Spain. Some went to train as priests in the Irish Colleges that the Spanish monarchs had granted to the Irish clergy (Catholic priests were outlawed under English rule and faced execution), and then to secretely return to Ireland to serve the people. Some were Irish nobles who left to be welcomed into the Spanish nobilty (a great favour bestowed on our nobility by Spain). But most were soldiers who went to serve a worthy nation, to gain battle experience and with luck, to fight the English on the battlefield and gain glory for both Spain and Ireland.

    It would seem your wife's family are descended from these "Wild Geese".
    I will try and find specific information on this unit for you later.
    Did they have a specific name or any other information that would help identify them?
    Última edición por Alejandro O'Reilly; 17/02/2006 a las 14:21

  6. #6
    Avatar de Alejandro O'Reilly
    Alejandro O'Reilly está desconectado Miembro graduado
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    25 mar, 05
    Isla Sacra
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    Re: Translation Requested

    I mean to say, I was in Sevilla a couple of years ago along with approx 100,000 other Irish and it was one of the most enjoyable places I've been to. Everyone is still talking about it....some even decided to stay and never returned home. Damned immigrants

  7. #7
    Avatar de Donoso
    Donoso está desconectado Technica Impendi Nationi
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    06 mar, 05
    Bellatrix Castilla
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    Re: Translation Requested

    Cita Iniciado por Alejandro O'Reilly
    Seperatist as in independence from Spain and Portugal?
    Yes. Galicia + Northern Portugal = The independent nation of the celtogermanics in the semitic sea of "Spainportugal"
    Aquí corresponde hablar de aquella horrible y nunca bastante execrada y detestable libertad de la prensa, [...] la cual tienen algunos el atrevimiento de pedir y promover con gran clamoreo. Nos horrorizamos, Venerables Hermanos, al considerar cuánta extravagancia de doctrinas, o mejor, cuán estupenda monstruosidad de errores se difunden y siembran en todas partes por medio de innumerable muchedumbre de libros, opúsculos y escritos pequeños en verdad por razón del tamaño, pero grandes por su enormísima maldad, de los cuales vemos no sin muchas lágrimas que sale la maldición y que inunda toda la faz de la tierra.

    Encíclica Mirari Vos, Gregorio XVI

  8. #8
    Avatar de Alejandro O'Reilly
    Alejandro O'Reilly está desconectado Miembro graduado
    Fecha de ingreso
    25 mar, 05
    Isla Sacra
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    Re: Translation Requested

    Cita Iniciado por Donoso
    Yes. Galicia + Northern Portugal = The independent nation of the celtogermanics in the semitic sea of "Spainportugal"
    lol! What a strange idea

  9. #9
    Avatar de Breogan
    Breogan está desconectado Miembro graduado
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    25 may, 05
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    Re: Translation Requested

    Sorry for my bad English, I have no time for correcting it either; but I think you'll understand it anyway.

    (Note: The original text is neither Portuguese nor Galician but Galaic-Portuguese, a construct inspired on the ancient language spoken centuries before the differenciation between modern Galician and Portuguese had occured. I must add nowadays Galician scholars are still discussing the correct ortography for Galician, any of them defend the one based on Galaic-portuguese-as the author does, but officially the one based on Castilian is being used and taking advantage since some years; perhaps it isn’t the more correct in my modest opinion either.
    For distinguishing Portuguese look for “çao” instead of “çom”, etc.)

    Creation of a Galaic (Galician) nationalist forum.
    Good morning all.

    My alias is “Galaic Patriot”. I’m a person who loves his country.
    Give me 5 minutes of your time for making you a proposal. I’m not trying to tell anyone of you what to do. I’m not trying to impose my will on another country-fellow. I just want making a proposal to all the people who love our country.
    Thanks for you attention.


    1) Why to create a “new” Galaic nationalist forum?

    >>There are more and more people everyday in Gallaecia, both North and South, sharing the idea of the Galaic national reunification and the creation of a Galaic national state, prosperous and free from bloodsuckering of Mediterranean Iberia and Mozarab Lusitania.
    >>There are more and more people everyday in Gallaecia, both North and South, worried about the acceleration of cultural, political and human colonization executed from Madrid and Lisbon. To this aculturization process we also must add the demographic pressure held by thousands inmigrants of African or mestizo South American stock, that refuse integrating or they are uncompatible in a cultural way with Galaic culture.
    >>There are more and more people everyday in Gallaecia, both North and South, thinking our Galaic culture is under threat of real disappearing.
    There are more and more people everyday in Gallaecia, both North and South, missing a place for meeting, where sharing ideas, organizing challenges, learning new things or just meeting another country-fellows for talking to and having a good time with great companions.

    There are more and more people everyday in Gallaecia sharing these opinions and they wish they would participate in a Galaic nationalist forum. It’s even more important that there are a lot of people being receptive to our opinions and patriotism, but they lack culture and guidance. A Galaic nationalist forum on the internet is going to serve for atracting more people to our ideas, it’s going to be like a library open 24 h/ 7 days where people can be educated. We are Galaic patriots and our intention is creating a new generation of Galaic patriots. It’s necessary creating a “house”/forum of Galaic patriots and it must be attractive, desireable, it must work properly, it must be organized, and it must serve like a tool to the service of our Galaic patriotism.

    2) What kind of Galaic nationalist forum is on my mind?

    I visited a little time ago the forum from our brother country www.irish-nationalism.net . Visite it. I’m basing my whole proposal taking the example this website because irism-nationalism.net defines perfectly all the characteristics that were on my mind and I consider importantly:

    a)Clear, straight, expressive message: “Irish Nationalism” in its own internet domain = seriousness.
    b)Elegant interface, patriotic, serious people, gives confidence in the challenge.
    c)Software vBulletin, fast, versatile , effective, modern.
    d)Topics ordered by threads, efficient, useful, informative.

    Basing on this I make a proposal of creating a Galaic forum, taking as the model all we consider positively in the forum of our brother country www.irish-nationalism.net I can assure you the admin of irish-nationalim.net, Milesian, is willing to helping us in everything about the technical support and advisement we could need.

    3) How would it be this new Galaic nationalist forum I’m proposing, from a technical point of view?

    We must discuss it for joining ideas among all of us. My first proposal is:
    a)A clear domain, direct, and serious: www.nacionalismo-galaico.net, www.patriotas-galaicos.net
    b)Elegant interface, serious and patriotic. The colours in the website must be national Galaic colours:
    -Blue and white (nowadays flag of Galiza, medieval flag of the county and then Reign of Portu-Gall when it was still the Galaic-bracarense territory.)
    -Blue and yellow (blue for nowadays Galiza flags, for the medieval Portu-Gall Bracarense flag, historical flag of Reign of Galiza. Yellow for our respected and historical flag of the Royal Suebian House of Reign of Gallaecia, and for the Saint Graal of Reign of Galiza.
    -The image of unificated Gallaecia, in green, must be appear v.g. satellite pic.
    c)We have great solutions from software freeware for forums like in SMF. Great forums even can be made with phpbb.
    d)Topics organized by threads, like in irish-nationalism, for making it efficient, useful, informative.

    4) How would it be this new forum I’m proposing from an ideological point of view.

    We must discuss it among all of us. This is my proposal. I expect to read yours.

    Many of you visit vieiros.com, because it is disgracelly the only forum with a high participation we can meet on. There you will see the way leftists and comunists are fighting and insulting one another all the time. We, Galaic patriots are and must be better then comunists and reds. We must work for the things that join us, our nation Gallaecia. There will be differences between us, mainly about interpretation on the racial issue. All right. But we must always remember we are Galaic and the main thing that join us is our love for our nation Gallaecia. This must always be the most important thing for all of us.

    >>On maximes and minimes. Which must the official line be in the forum of Galaic natinalists?
    Again, irish-nationalism.com is an example to follow. Website declares ambiguously “stand for defense of Gaelic interests”. Then, when we enter the forum, we can detect clearly the “sensibilities” of the forum members. People make the forum. It’s going to be our forum and the forum of all Galaic nationalists for the national reunification and the preservation of our culture. I think, as good Galaics, we can make the declaration of intentions in the forum a little ambiguous as well, simply “For defense of Galaic interests”, without going upstairs or downstairs. We know who we are and what we want.

    >>Security, according to law
    One thing will make the difference between communists and us is they are stupid, not us. The commit crime and then they issue it on their website. They are so moron making themselves the work for the police.
    Defending reunification of Gallaecia doesn’t break the law of Madrid and Lisbon, it’s free-speech right. Defending crimes or menacing people can be used by the Iberic or Lusitan state as an excuse for closing a website. We must be clever and not tresspassing in public the legality line. We are interested in the website being visible and accessful for spreading and making our agenda 24 h / 7 days our ideas. This is our true victory. Because of this, it will be necessary one or several moderators, the same as irish-nationalism.net or stormfront.orf

    >> On Celtism and Germanism
    The following one is my opinion. Others will have your own one. I respect your opinions. This is mine:
    Our country is a Celtic nation. Our name, Gallaecia, means “Little Galia”, or “little country of Celts” (“Gallia” was “country of Celts”, from “Gallus” = Celt)
    Neither Mediterranean Romans nor Iberian Castilians nor Lusitan Mozarabs could get us to forget who we are. They were and are considered foreign invaders. The only exception are the Suebians. They arrive for integrating into our Galaic society, learning our culture, becoming themselves Galaics, and working for the creation of the first united Galaic state. For this they deserve all our respect and we must venerate their memory.
    I live during five years of my life in “Middleurope” of Vicente Risco. I think I know German mentality quite well. I respect them as a country they are, but we are different cultures. Our way of thinking and understanding the world is different. We both are Europeans, yes. We both are white, yes. But different culturally. We are Celtogalaics, with our Athlantic idiosyncrasy, and I’m a Celtogalaic nationalist, because my idiosyncrasy is Athlantic. Again, irish-nationalism.net defines it properly: “we are Gaelic nationalists, Ireland is our country, we are allienous to homogeneizating theories like pan-arianism, etc. I’m Galaic nationalist and Celt. I don’t care Slovakia, Luxembourg or Catalonia. I’m proud of our Suebian ancestors, for integrating into our culture and for working in benefit of the country, but I think Celtism and Germanism are two different cultures. This is why before of shouting “Sieg Heil”, I will shout “Gallaecia go bragh” or “Gallaecia Ceive”, because I’m Celt of Gallaecia. I’m proposing, by means of translating the text from irish-nationalism, the Galaic forum defines itself like “Galaic nationalist”.

    >>Galaic nationalism and internationalism
    The following one is my opinion. Others will have your own one. I respect your opinions. This is mine:
    Gallaecia is the last Celtic culture in Southern Europe, in a cultural space including Athlantic Sea from Scotland untl our country. This is exactly what make us different from our neighbours and invaders. Our national core is neither in African Al-Garbh nor Phoenician Cartage. Our national core is in Gallaecia, but also in Ireland, Wales, Cornwall and Brittany. Basically we are surrounded by moorishness. Out of Gallaecia we are surrounded by a mongrel Ibero-arabic culture. Scandinavians used to say it as well: in Peninsule there are Jakobsland and Spain. Normans said it as well: in Peninsule there are Galizur and Span. Galaics said it as well: in Peninsule we stay and Moors stay. Even the Ibero-lusitan-arabs said: in Peninsule we stay and Galaics stay.
    Nowadays Gallaecia is being polluted culturally and populationally by a mogrel ibero-arabic culture: bull-fights, flamenco and fado, sun and beach and sangría...This culture is the one of the historic Span. From the Phoenician jolgorrio (crazy party) and Tarraconensis lolailo (lustful dance) to African desert of Al-entejo and Al-Andalus.
    I consider it’s urgent reconduct our international relationships. We need all the help available. Among the website sections there must be one in English (our century Esperanto) for letting other Celtic nationalists to visit us and to talk with us. Let communists to waste their time talking about brotherhood between Iberian peoples. We must not waste our time in relationships with an enemy mogrel Iberian-Arab culture. We are tolerant people. We have nothing against them. They fit in their own country. Our time is simply gold. We must forget to think in a colonial “Iberic” way and beginning to think in a Galaic, Celtic and Athlantic way. Our international relationships must be put in first place towards an space which we naturally belong to, and not towards the one which Iberic settler wants we belong to.

    I’m ending and thanks for your time.
    I wish earnestly this proposal were interesting to you.
    I expect your opinions. Among all, a little from each one, we can do it.
    Let’s do it. We’ll make a great service to our nation.

    “You are from Zingars
    from rude Iberians,
    from lazy Gypsies,
    from hell people;
    From Goths, from Moors
    And Alarbians; even
    let devils to take you.
    We are from Gauls,
    We are from Suebians,
    We are from Franks,
    Romans and Greeks,
    We are from Celts,
    We are Galicians.”

    Eduardo Pondal. “On Race”
    National Bard of Gallaecia

    Thanks for your time
    “Patriota Galaico.”


    That's all.



  10. #10
    Avatar de Alejandro O'Reilly
    Alejandro O'Reilly está desconectado Miembro graduado
    Fecha de ingreso
    25 mar, 05
    Isla Sacra
    Post Thanks / Like

    Re: Translation Requested

    Libros antiguos y de colección en IberLibro
    Breogan, many thanks for your most excellent reply.

    The meaning of the text is now very clear to me. I am still confused however that my support has been stated. I have not been in contact with anyone over such a project.
    Perhaps the author embellished his post a little.

    Cita Iniciado por Donoso
    Where do you found this freak?

    Thanks to everyone who responded.

    @ Gonzalo.
    I haven't forgotten about your request. I will get back to you regarding this Irish unit.
    Última edición por Alejandro O'Reilly; 19/02/2006 a las 17:49

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