On this site there is a great history of the USA from a Catholic perspective:
U.S. Catholic History
Catholic History1
I always get a chuckle when I hear Evangelicals tell me that the United States of America was founded as a "Christian nation." No, I tell them, that's what it was BEFORE the American Revolution, when the colonies were ruled by a Protestant Christian king. After the Revolution, the colonies ceased to be Christian, and became the world's first Masonic nation! Granted, America's founding fathers were cooperative with Christians, mainly because they had to be, but don't think for one second that those same founding fathers had any intention of America keeping any trace of a Christian form of government. The founding fathers agreed that the moral foundations of religion were useful in building the country, but they kept it strictly to a moral understanding of the Christian religion, as all good Masons do. The idea of American government actually recognizing the real authority of any particular Church was repugnant to them. Of course, most repugnant to them was the Catholic Church, which the founding fathers were determined to keep in it's place. Need I remind my readers that following the American Revolution, Catholics suffered some of their greatest indignities at the hands of those who claimed the highest loyalty to the U.S. Constitution and the American Revolution.
Freemasons don't rule America in the literal sense, like a king might rule his subjects, but they do rule America in principle. In fact, the United States was founded on Freemasonry, and thus it is the world's first Masonic Nation. The idea being that Freemasons rule America through it's system of government, designed and ordered through Masonic principles. The idea of democratic republicanism (popularly and incorrectly referred to simply as "democracy") is Masonic in origin, a product of the Enlightenment era, which opposes Christian monarchy, the foundation of western civilization.
I want to make this very clear. Western civilization was founded on Christian monarchy. Kings and queens were subject to the ecclesiastical authority of the Catholic Church, which had both the power to coronate them and excommunicate them. By coronating them, the Church gave them power. By excommunicating them, the Church diminished their power, and sometimes dethroned them entirely. Thus western civilization was ruled by a Christian system of government during the middle ages. It was only after the Protestant Reformation that we start to see significant problems with these monarchies, which of course gave birth to the Enlightenment era and the rise of the Freemasons. The Freemasons in turn toppled the monarchies, or at the very least diminished their authority, thus giving us democratic republicanism.
The problem with democratic republicanism, besides it being an unChristian form of government derived from ancient Pagan principles, is that it always leads to socialism. We can see this in various degrees in democracies throughout the world, and even here in the United States, which continually slides deeper into socialist rule.
Many Catholic Americans don't understand the intrinsically anti-Catholic nature of Freemasonry. You have to understand that in America, Freemasonry has already accomplished most of it's goals. The government is totally Freemason. The democratic road to socialism is well underway, and nothing less than a total collapse of Washington DC can change this. Therefore, there is no need for Freemasons to work so hard in the United States. Most of their work is already finished. The primary function of most American Freemasons is now mainly fundraising, to help spread Masonic ideas around the world. In Europe Freemasonry takes on a much more openly anti-Catholic role, as it continually tries to undermine the influence of the Catholic Church there.
The Catholic Knight
"De ciertas empresas podría decirse que es mejor emprenderlas que rechazarlas, aunque el fin se anuncie sombrío"
On this site there is a great history of the USA from a Catholic perspective:
U.S. Catholic History
Catholic History1
Those links look pretty interesting. I'll look into them. Thanks, Tradycja.
Those links don't work. How sad. They were very promising. Apparently that site doesn't exist anymore.
These are Tradycjas links:
U.S. Catholic History
A Factual Survey on the Catholic Foundation of America
Much of American history is, and has been for two centuries, taught from a Protestant-English viewpoint. To be more exact, U.S. history has been primarily taught from a WASP (White Anglo-Saxon Protestant) perspective, and this has more often than not been anti-Catholic, or at the least, silent on the foundation of America as being originally Catholic. Today, much history also is being taught from the viewpoint of both "political correctness" -which is no different than cultural Marxism- and a new paganism that worships nature, holding that all pagan cultures are equal to, nay, better than Christian culture. Both ideologies involve the destruction of Christian moral and social values. These sources have typically presented American history with numerous distortions, half-truths, obfuscations, out-right falsehoods, and serious omissions. Thus, the media and establishment history texts are involved in anti-Christian social conditioning.
As a result of these dominant influences within the U.S. educational system and the major publishing houses, Catholics (and all Americans) have been cheated from knowing the true history of this country by being given false or distorted notions as to its origins, explorations, and settlements, as well as false notions concerning the reasons for, and forces behind, numerous historical events. This has also resulted in the fact that most Catholics in the United States are largely ignorant of their heritage. It has also resulted in the fact that most Americans are ignorant of many of the true causes of major political and military events such as the "Civil War," the Spnaish-American War, both World Wars, the Vietnam War, and up to both wars against Iraq.
What generations of Americans (Catholic and non-Catholic) also have been taught is a national mythology of supposed great deeds by adventurous pilgrims and courageous (Protestant) forefathers. It has been taught that these forefathers were men of God who were doing His Will in establishing a New World, a new nation, a new type of government "of the people, and by the people." However, these men and women of the American "history" which has been taught rejected the social Kingship of Jesus Christ and His authority over men and nations. These figures of US history rejected the one true and only revealed religion: the Holy Catholic Faith (and thus rejected the authority of the Holy Catholic Church). In saying they rejected the social reign of Christ the King, we mean that they rejected the idea (and necessity) that the laws of states and governments and the entire social order be conformed to the laws of Christ and His Church. As a result, many of the deeds, the policies, and the laws they authored and approved reflected these attitudes. The same is true of the social/cultural order that was planted here after the Catholic presence had either been destroyed or, at the least, its influence marginalized, if not nullified.
The real history of America tells us a story different from the national mythology that has been and still is taught. It is the story of a land that, before any Protestants came, was explored, claimed, settled, and solemnly consecrated to Christ the King and His Blessed Mother by Catholics. Here are some quick examples:
Who has been taught that, before the Pilgrims arrived in 1620, there were more than EIGHTY Catholic mission-settlements already established -and this included Virginia, the Carolinas, Georgia, and upper New England, not just Florida and the Southwest?
Who has been taught that thirty-three of the forty-eight continental states first had Catholic settlements before there were any English Protestant ones?
Who has been taught that, by the time the Pilgrims landed, Spanish Catholic missionaries had converted, baptized, and civilized more than 50,000 American Indians(!)? (This, only within the US boundaries.)
The fact is, that by the beginning of the 17th century the entire civilized population of America was Catholic. Thus, the real history of America can never be separated from the contributions made by Catholic explorers, pioneers, and missionaries -both lay and cleric.
Before we look at the facts, it would be appropriate to understand the definition of history, especially if one is a Christian. What, then, is the proper definition of history? Well, the answer has two parts.
1. History is the unfolding of God's will in time, and the record of how men and nations conformed to that will or resisted it (and to what degree each have done so).
2. History also is the unfolding of the war between the Kingdom of Christ on earth (found only in the Catholic Church) and the kingdom of Satan.
Inevitably, then, there will always be (as there always has been) conflict between those who reject the social reign of Christ the King and His kingdom and those who accept it. History must be scene in this light, for it is only by means of holding the Catholic Faith, that is, by believing ALL the truths God has revealed as necessary for belief, that one can properly grasp this struggle, and thus, recognize the real forces behind historical events. Since the enemy is in control of the establishment, it should not be surprising to find that there would be distortions and misrepresentations of historical fact where the Church and her members are concerned.
The real history of America (and of the world) can never be properly understood if studied in anyway divorced from these definitions. Why? Because only these recognize reality -and thus the history of men and nations- as it is: a spiritual conflict between two kingdoms.
This modest web site provides simply a survey of facts most of us have been cheated from knowing. You will not find these facts in establishment history texts or discussed by the major media and its numerous outlets. (Click on links below for various articles and suppressed facts of US history.)
The Conflict Between the North and the South
A Four Part Series
Who was Legally and Morally Right, the North or the South? (An indepth examination into the causes that led to the tragic conflict between the North and the South. Includes much suppressed information the establishment academia and media keeps from Americans. A four part series, with this being the first installment.)
* * * NOW IN PRINT !!!* * *
The North, the South and Secession: Who was in the Right? * * * New! (Link now works!)
Part II now online! Slavery and the South (An indepth and challenging examination at this most misunderstood and misrepresented institution of the South.)
Part III: Lincoln and HIs War-Time Policies
Part IV: "Reconstruction" and the South
Catholics: The First in New England
Catholics: The First to Explore and Settle Georgia and the CarolinasCatholics: The First in Maryland and Virginia
Catholics: The First to Explore and Settle the Midwest
Catholics: The First to Settle in Over Twice as Many States as Protestants
Catholic Florida: Attacked and Stolen by the Masonic-Protestant US Government
Catholics: The First to Explore the Great Northwest (Not Lewis and Clark)
What's In a Name? U.S. History Trivia (You'll be surprised!)
U.S. History Myth Busters: Part 1 (Facts that will surprise and amaze you!)
U.S. History Myth Busters: Part 2 (Important information suppressed in establishment history texts and courses)
U.S. History Myth Busters: Part 3 (More of the distortions and omissions exposed and the facts set straight!)
The REAL First Thanksgiving (It's November, and that means the media will put out the usually myths concerning thanksgiving. Show this article to your family and friends this year.)
Revolution in Ideas and Action (A challenging examination of the ideological foundations of the United States republic and some of its effects)
Part I: The Declaration of Independence: A Traditional Catholic Look
Part II: The U. S. Constitution: A Traditional Catholic Look New addition at end!
Part III: Americanism and the American Catholic
The U. S. Advances the Revolution (A look at how the United States has supported and even led in the advancement of THE Revolution against the social Kingship of Christ and the traditional Christian social-moral order both here and beyond her borders)
Part I: Remember the Alamo!:The Real Causes of the War Against Mexico How the U.S bullied Mexico and took Texas, California, and the Southwest for itself.
***Part II: The U. S. War Against Catholic Spain and Her Territories NEW! Shows the numerous times and countries where the U.S., in its efforts to spread THE Revolution against the traditional Christian social and moral order, encouraged, supported, and actually fought in rebellions and revolutions in order to destroy Catholic forms of government and establish liberal republics.
*** Coming soon: ***
- U. S. History Myth Busters: Part 4
- World War I: What was it Really About, and Who is to Blame?
- World War II: Who Really Started it, and Why?
Return to the TODM Index
Questions on Catholic History
Question 1. The Evangelical Protestant theologian, R.C. Sproul, stated in his work, Essential Truths of the Christian Faith (p. 27), "Two of the great legacies of the Reformation... and the translation of the Bible into the common language of the people." Is this true? Was the Bible not put in the “common language of the people” before the middle of the 16th century?
Answer to Q. 1. No, this is not true. The statement which says that the Bible was put into the "common language of the people" as a result of the Protestant revolt in the 16th century implies that before then it was not. This is a fabricated lie against the Catholic Church (CC from here on). R. C. Sproul, with his education and presumed honesty, should be ashamed and admonished for passing on erroneous anti-Catholic rhetoric like this. This is especially true when the historical facts are so readily available. This is a classic Evangelical error and misrepresentation of historical fact which comes more from anti-Catholic bigotry than merely a deficiency in historical resources.
Luther did not put the Bible into the hands of common people as if he were the first. Statements like these are trying to imply -when it is not said straight out- that the CC kept from the people the Bible and its sacred truths. This is a lie of Satan. Its success depends on both ignorance of history and just plain prejudice.
You see, when Evangelicals like Sproul spurt out this type of stuff, they and their readers are functioning from a 20th century viewpoint where it seems unheard of that not everyone went to school, or did not know how to read, and that books were a rare item. The fact is that the ability to read was a rare commodity until the Renaissance (ca.1400) and books themselves were just as rare. For example: Out of 7,600 English wills of the fifteenth century only 338 books TOTAL appear as bequests. This makes it obvious that few individuals possessed books. Access to libraries was not easy, for they were few and far between.
Nonetheless, it is a fact of history that in many libraries in the Middle Ages the Bible and the concordances with all their commentaries, ancient and modern, were the first on display. For confirmation of this, see Frederick B. Artz, "The Mind Of The Middle Ages: An Historical Survey A.D.200-1500:" 3rd ed., Univ. of Chicago Press, 1980 [1953], pp.375, 490. This author is not pro-Roman Catholic; he isn't even a Christian, but he recognizes and records these facts.
It must be recognized that in the west from about 400 A.D. 'till about 1400, IF a person could read at all, he read Latin. To put it differently, if a person could not read Latin, then they most probably could not read at all! Western European languages during this period were constantly changing and evolving, thus there were no alphabets -and thus writing- in many vernacular languages. This is one reason why the entire Bible wasn't translated too often in the common tongue. But there are more reasons.
It was not at all practical to write out in large quantities copies of the Bible for numerous reasons. First, it took about an entire year to write-out a complete Bible (done almost exclusively by monks before the printing press). Second, it took 200 lamb skins to make just ONE copy, and this was very, very costly. Think about it: two hundred lamb skins meant the slaughter of two hundred lambs (obviously). Skins were needed and used for other reasons, particularly survival. Now to write out Bibles in large quantities all around Europe was simply impractical precisely because it was too costly in multiple ways. It was also futile to write out copies of the Bible in high quantities in the vernacular for a number of reasons:
1) As a result of the steady development (and thus changing) of common/vernacular tongues, there was no stability. For example between 400 and 1200 the language of southwest England (Wales) went from Celtic to Cornish to Breton to Cymric to ancient Welsh, to modern Welsh. That’s six different languages, and these went from no alphabet, to one which letters changed every few hundred years. Considering the facts mentioned above about what it took to write out a Bible –and its cost- one can see the futility of writing out a whole Bible for some languages. Another example is the English language itself: it went from Anglo-Breton (100-600), to Anglo-Saxon (Old English -600 to 1100) with its different lower Germanic dialects, to Anglo-Norman (Middle English-1100 to 1500) which had Kentish, Northumbrian, and Mercian dialects that had different spellings -as well as sounds and meanings, to Elizabethan English (16th-17th cent.), to Early Modern English (late 17th-19th), to Modern English. With these both the alphabets and pronunciations had changed. A vernacular copy would be, due to the many and varied dialects, limited to small geographical areas, and, due to the often changing language forms, would also be obsolete in short time.
2) Many didn't even have a written alphabet until Catholic missionaries performed the task for grammars and catechisms during the early Middle Ages (ca. 500-1000).
3) Believe it or not, contrary to the rhetoric that is put forth in many Protestant circles, there was no desire by the common people themselves for vernacular versions for a number of reasons:
I) Again, those who could read, read Latin; those who wanted to read (which wasn't very many) learned Latin.
II) Since Latin has no nuances or dialects (other than ecclesiastical Latin and classical Latin) it was a secure language which didn't evolve and change -which is perfect for understanding God's unchanging and immutable Word! -By the way, this is why in our Lord Jesus' time they still read the Scripture in ancient Hebrew -even though it was already a dead language by this time and only the pharisees and scribes could speak and read it! Hence, the principle situation was the very same.
III) As another non-Catholic historian recognized, up until the spread of printing press (late 15th century), the best way to communicate with people and the best way to communicate idea's and truths was not by letter writing and reading, but by means of the spoken word itself, by art, by drama, and by Liturgy which comprises all of them. (see Hugh Thomas, "A History of the World," N.Y: Harper & Row, 1979, p.198.) And remember this point: God's Word itself says faith comes by hearing the Word proclaimed (Rom.10:17).
These are only a few reasons why there weren't too many vernacular translations of the Bible. Latin was the language that united Medieval Europe BECAUSE IT DID NOT CHANGE AND HAS NO DIALECTS. And so the Bible was actually preferred in Latin. As soon as possible children were initiated to Latin -in secular schools as well as church schools. For centuries instruction was chiefly oral -only the teacher would have a text. Enormous feats of memorization were required. The common folk did more memorizing than we today can imagine. For any misbehavior, such as speaking in one's native tongue during class, there was this cry, vae natibus- "woe to the buttocks!" (Morris Bishop, "The Middle Ages" (Boston, Houghton Mifflin Co., 1987, p.239.)
It was during the late renaissance that the process of education and communication started to shift from "memory to written record." But still, secular as well as church records, deeds, judicial transcripts, wills, business records, financial accounts, and educational works -philosophy, theology, law, medicine, were always written in Latin. (C. Warren Hollister, "Medieval Europe: A Short History," 5th ed. Newbery Award Records, Inc.1982, p.290.)
Even Venerable Bede's (d.735) work, "The Ecclesiastical History of the English people" (8th century), was written in Latin, not English. As late as the sixteenth century English nobles and monarchs (that is those who could afford education) were taught in their youth not only English but also to read and write in Latin. In academic atmospheres, even as late as the 18th century, Latin was exclusively used in writings of any serious nature.
Even Luther's and Calvin's early works were all in Latin!
The Vernacular Bible
Nevertheless, here is the truth of the matter: the Catholic Church had allowed and authorized vernacular versions of the Bible since the beginning. During the Middle Ages, for example, Bible translations were approved in Slavic (9th Century), Arabic (10th), Bohemian (11th), German, Polish, Old Norse (12th), Italian, Norwegian, and Hungarian (13th), Czech, Swedish, Catalan (14th), Spanish, Danish, French, Dutch, and Welsh (15th) for Catholics to use, ALL of which were before the invention of the printing press in 1450 by Johann Guttenburg.
The very first large volume book printed was the Latin Vulgate Bible by Guttenburg at Mainz in 1452. I'm sure you never read THAT in Evangelical writings -that a Catholic under the approval of the Bishop produced the Bible as the very first printed book! Before the year 1500 ninety-two editions of this Latin Bible were printed by various presses in Europe; and during the 16th century 438 more.
Not only did Luther NOT put the "Bible into the common language of the people" for the first time, but his German translation wasn't even the first German one! There were NINE different German editions of the Bible before Luther was born!; and there were 27 in German before his translation came out (1520). The first printed German Bible came out in 1466; and before 1520, a translation of the Bible into High German had fourteen editions and one in Low German had four editions.
More facts could be presented, but I think you get the point. So many non-Catholics function under the assumptions and bigotry that Sproul demonstrates here. Can you really trust anything else he says after seeing how enormous his anti-Catholic assumptions and errors are in these statements?
By the way, the CC did forbid the use of a couple of vernacular translations in the late 12th and early 13th centuries in response to heretical groups such as the Waldenses and Catharists. These groups put out their own versions of scripture in order to propagate their errors in the same way the Jehovah Witnesses do with their "New World" translation. In other words, the CC was trying to prevent the spread of a FALSE version of the Bible precisely because she loves and honors the true written Word of God. Rome also suppressed the versions put out by the "reformers" for a number of very legitimate reasons:
1) Luther's and others translations were taken from the Greek edition by Erasmus which he made primarily from 10th century Byzantine manuscripts which contained a number copyist errors and were hardly old or early enough to base a complete translation from;
2) Most of these translations had strong anti-Catholic notes and commentaries in them. Some were more anti-Roman than they were pro-reform! They even changed how some words were translated so these verses would not render to the reader an obviously Catholic meaning. How could anyone not expect Rome to act against them? Any good mother would do the same thing to protect her children.
3) Luther and others added their own words to the actual text of Scripture! In his original German version Luther added the word "alone" after the word "faith" in a couple places in Paul's letters (Rom.3:28, 5:1; Gal.2:16; Eph.2:8) that are not there in ANY manuscript. Thus Luther "added" to the Word of God.
As mentioned above, Sproul’s statement is a classic Evangelical error and misrepresentation of historical fact which comes more from anti-Catholic bigotry than merely a deficiency in historical resources. R. C. Sproul is thus guilty of breaking God’s holy commandment which states that we are not to bear false witness against our neighbor. He has borne false witness against the Holy Catholic Church.
Question 2. Didn't Spain send expeditions to the New World primarily to gain wealth through more trading, and to seek gold, riches, and to increase its political power?
Answer to Q. 2. No, this is simply anti-Catholic Spanish propoganda. Though gold was needed to finance expeditions (and to pay back those who invested in each expedition), Catholic Spain came primarily to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ and increase His kingdom on earth.
The official policy of Catholic Spain made this noble goal clear in its royal charters, legislation, and ordinances. Columbus stated why his sovereigns sent him:"Your Highnesses, as Catholic Christians and Princes, loving the holy Christian Faith and the spreading of it, decided to send me, Christopher Columbus, to the said regions of Hindustan (India) to see the said princes and the peoples and lands, and learn of their dispositions and the measures which could be taken for their conversion to our Holy Faith."Queen Isabella of Spain declared in a letter to Pope Alexander VI that: "Columbus has set sail to bear the light of Christ west to heathen undiscovered lands." In regards to his second voyage, the good Catholic queen wrote, charging that, "since the natives have neither dogma nor doctrine," Columbus must "strive and endeavor to win over the inhabitants of the said islands and Mainland to be converted to our Holy Catholic Faith." In her last Testament, she wrote that the primary intention of sending expeditions and governing the New World was:
"To try to draw these peoples and convert them to our Holy Catholic Faith, and to send to said lands prelates, religious, clerics and others to instruct the inhabitants in the Catholic Faith, to teach and endow them with good morals."In 1514, King Ferdinand of Spain sent a royal charter to Ponce de Leon for him to once again attempt to settle Florida. De Leon was commissioned to "treat the Indians as best you can," the King admonished, "seeking in every permissable way to convert them to our Holy Catholic Faith."
In 1526, King Charles I of Spain made clear the continuation of this same policy when he declared:
"The principal reason behind the discovery of these new lands is so that the natives there, who are without the light and knowledge of the Faith, may be drawn to the truths of our holy Catholic Faith, so they may believe and understand them, become Christians and be saved. This is the main reason you must keep in mind and hold onto in these expeditions."This was the official policy and law of Catholic Spain in coming to the New World and in its continued expeditions. Those who write or say otherwise are slanderers. But, as they say, actions speak louder than words, so consider the following facts:
+ missionary priests were sent on nearly every Spanish expedition to today's U.S. This would not have been the case if Spain was primarily seeking to gain material wealth or political power;
+Between the time of the first established mission (1526- South Carolina)) and the last (1828-New Mexico), in the US alone, Spain established 200 missions (many of which grew into current U.S. towns and cities);
+ Since the very first expedition (Ponce de Leon in 1513) until the last established mission in the 1820s, Catholic Spain sent approximately 16,000(!) missionaries to this land (this does not include lay missionaries, a few who where martyred for the Faith).
+ By the time the Pilgrims landed in 1620, Spanish Catholic missionaries had converted and baptized more than 50,000 American Indians! (This is only in the US boundaries.)
Texts on U.S. history (as well as the media, such as the "History" Channel) must stop their distortions and misrepresentations concerning Catholic Spain and her glorious role in the founding and establishing of a Christian civilization upon this land we call America.
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I had no trouble accessing those two links, but thanks for posting them, Don Cosme. Otherwise some people are too lazy for clicking the links. I meant the links included at the end of the page, which sound very interesting, but apparently they are no more available on line. That's why it's always better to copy and paste the texts, because some sites are removed after a while or moved to another server and the links don't work anymore.
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