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Tema: Lift the Cuba Embargo?

  1. #141
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    Re: Lift the Cuba Embargo?

    Cuban-Americans make up approximately 4% of the Hispanic population in the United States, yet own approximately 34% of Hispanic businesses. That savoir-faire, the initiative, the drive, the work-ethic and educational diligence, the determination to succeed exhibited by the Cuban exiles in America, could have been the bed-rock for a beautiful economically successful Cuban democratic republic. Instead, universal destitution, misery and starvation are Castro's legacies, his gifts to future generations.

  2. #142
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    Re: Lift the Cuba Embargo?

    If there is a case of successful assimilation that deserves to be studiedwith attention, is that of Cubans in the US. In five decades, Cubans in the UShave integrated remarkably in American society. The Cuban Americans has threesenators and four representatives in the U.S. Congress, and five active Ambassadorsand seven retired.

    According to the US census, the secondgeneration of Cuban-Americans has a higher degree of education and income thanthe US average. The Cuban-Americans community own 138 of the 500 greater Hispanic companies in the United States, equivalent to 28% of those companies although onlyrepresent 3.4 percent of the Hispanic community. The number of enterprises created or owned by this group is one of thehighest among all the ethnic groups studied by demographers and sociologistswho study this branch of econometrics.

  3. #143
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    Re: Lift the Cuba Embargo?

    The Cuban exiles have demonstrated by their unparalleled success in this country that there is no adversity which they can't overcome. It would have been easy for them to wallow in self-pity and literally "shut down" physically and mentally. But they didn’t, neither they forgot their roots and their past. This is why George Gilder wrote in “The Spirit of Enterprise", in the chapter on Cuban immigrants, 20 years ago:"Cuban-Americans are the most successful immigrants in the history of this nation of immigrants."

    This is something for which neither the Progressive Anglo establishment nor the permanent Black/Latino underclass will ever forgive Cuban-Americans. It is and has always been politically correct for them to defame and ridicule Cuban-Americans, whom shattered the former's myth of superiority as well as disposing of all the excuses which the latter had for their endemic failures.

  4. #144
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    Re: Lift the Cuba Embargo?

    The study, based on U.S. Census Bureau and survey data, considered assimilation as of 2006 on three fronts—economic, cultural and civic—and assigned each immigrant group a number ranging from zero to 100 that indicates how similar its members are to native-born Americans. The higher the number is, the more assimilated the group. Cubans born scored 43 well above the national average of 28 on Vigdor’s assimilation index.

    Index Average Cuban born

  5. #145
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    Re: Lift the Cuba Embargo?

    The unprecedented success of the Cuban immigrants is proof that communism does not work. If the Castro brothers tyranny hasn’t keep restriction on emigration, by now half of the population would have left Dr. Castro’s island. Those that were arrested for trying to escape, persevered, some escape and others died in the intent. Their great success in the US illustrates the grate lost suffered by Cuba. The problems in Cuba are due to a 54 year old Castroit military dictatorship, who has deny the Cuban people their fundamental rights and the pursuit of happiness as they see fit.

  6. #146
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    Re: Lift the Cuba Embargo?

    If Castros’ military dictatorship weren’t in control of the country, thousands of Cubans wouldn’t need to risk ninety mile of dangerous and shark infested waters to come to the US since Cuba would be probably by now the most prosperous nation in Latin America, and one of the most prosperous in the world, based in previous accomplishment of the island. Instead Cuba is nowadays the most indebted nation and the second poorest in the Americas.

  7. #147
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    Re: Lift the Cuba Embargo?

    The Castroit tyranny failed economic policies isrelying on half economic measures and foreign subsidies to prop up theregime, instead of allowing the entrepreneurial spirit of theCuban people to do the job of bringing prosperity to the island.

    When the Cuban people getrid of the tyrannical regime, we will see the same transformation of the Cubansociety that has happened in those nations freed from the communist tyranny inEastern Europe.

  8. #148
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    Re: Lift the Cuba Embargo?

    Libros antiguos y de colección en IberLibro
    Guest view,10/10: Taking exception to Cuban ‘opportunity’

    By FRANK CALZONJournalStar.com | Posted: Sunday, October10, 2010 12:15 am

    The stated premise of your editorial (Loosentrade with Cuba, 9/29/2010) that "recent moves by Fidel and RaulCastro present a new opportunity" is simply wrong and, I fear, leading youto recommend policy changes that offer no relief from poverty to the Cubanpeople and will leave American taxpayers holding a worthless Cuban IOU.

    It is correct that the Cuban government has announced it will "lay offa half a million workers," about 10 percent of Cuba's workforce. It doesnot follow that this means "a move toward the free market system."

    In 2002, Fidel Castro announced the closing of 71 of the country's 156 sugarmills, leaving thousands of workers unemployed. Like the new layoff, the oldlayoff was a move toward greater misery, poverty and despair for workers andfamilies.

    Closing the mills also was the demise of an industry that had fueled Cuba'seconomy and development since the 18th century and a testament to the crueltyof the tight control the Castro communist government exerts over the island'seconomy.

    The 178 "self-employment" jobs open to Cubans include: animalcaretaker, barber, baby sitter, servicing carts pulled by animals forchildren's use, clown, re-filler of cigarette lighters, repairman of wickerproducts, salesman of paper flowers, future teller, collector of grasses foranimal feed, mattress repairman, doorman, peeler of natural fruits, pet-hair cutter,servants, umbrellas repairman, and exhibitor of trained dogs.

    Cuba is a beggar state, dependent on the remittances of exiles to preventwidespread hunger. The Castro Regime imposes high taxes on those remittances,ignoring President Barack Obama's request to reduce those taxes and rejectingproposals to normalize postal service. Re-establishing postal service wouldhelp millions of desperate Cubans, but the regime a
    wards its supporters withprivate freight concessions and takes a cut of their profits.

    Here is the historic record: By 1962, the Castro government had assumedcontrol of all major economic activity in Cuba and had confiscated about $1billion in American-owned properties. By 1968, virtually every vestige ofpre-Castro free-enterprise had been eliminated, including fruit stands andbarber shops.

    Even by communist standards the Cuban government has exercised anunparalleled level of economic control. Today, Cuba is broke. Its governmenthas no clue as to how to deal with the most serious economic crisis in theisland's history, except to freeze the bank accounts of foreign investors"due to a liquidity crisis" and urge American tourists to visit andrescue it.

    The biggest economic reform it could muster is to allow"Paladares" to increase seating to 20 from 12. Paladares arerestaurants in the home of the cook. This is a far cry from the economicactivity allowed by the also repressive Vietnamese and Chinese communistregimes.

    In 2007, America sold Havana $437.5 million dollars in foodstuffs. In 2008,the number was $710 million. Unlike exporters from other nations, the U.S.exporters got paid because the United States requires that any trade with Cubabe made on a "cash and carry" basis. The United States cannot extendcredit to Havana without also providing export insurance and guarantees thatforce American taxpayers to pick up the tab when Cuba defaults. Havana alreadyowes billions to European nations.

    Counterintuitive as it may sound, it simply is not in the best interests ofthis country to lift sanctions unilaterally. With U.S. dollars flowing into itscoffers, the Cuban government most likely will strengthen its repressive,domestic security forces, halt any pretense of economic reform, and increaseits worldwide anti-American campaigns. That's been the history of Castro'sCuba, and it is why Cuba remains on the State Department's list ofstate-supporters of international terrorism.

    Those who believe that "increased economic contact with Cuba cannothelp but increase the desire among Cubans for freedom of speech and otherpolitical rights" should know that that desire already is strong. Whatpro-democracy advocates in Cuba need is support and solidarity with the UnitedStates in keeping pressure on the Castro government to reform. Have you everheard anyone trading with Havana, call on the Castro regime to reform itseconomy? Hold free elections? Uphold human rights? What you hear from those nowtrading with Havana is silence.

    Change will come to Havana. When it does, U.S. policy, no doubt, willfacilitate a successful transition to democracy and market economics. For now,let's help the Cuban people by denying subsidies to their oppressors.

    Frank Calzon is executive director of the Center for a Free Cuba inArlington, Va. His e-mail address is frank.calzon@cubacenter.org.
    Frank Calzon excellent article, hit the bull’s eye. Liftingthe embargo and travel ban, without meaningful changes in Cuba, would:

    1.Guarantee the continuation of the current totalitarian structures.
    2.Strengthen state enterprises, since money will flow into businesses owned bythe Castroit regime.
    3.Lead to greater repression and control since the Castroit regime fear thatU.S. influence will subvert its power.
    4.Delay instead of accelerate a transition to democracy on the island.

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